• 社交媒体上的“标签自拍”运动

    16-05-07 Fashion and politics do not make the happiest of bedfellows. 在时尚和政治领域不会有愉快的共事者。 For all its virtue signalling, a system based on inequality and insecurity - thats the fashion business - has little room for genuine compassion. Howev...

  • Internet celebrity economy 网红经济

    16-04-28 The overall size of the Wanghong economy is growing as cyber stars are going beyond the fashion industry and into online gaming, travel and baby products, according to a report. 近日一份报告指出,网络红人们不仅进军时尚业,也正向网络游戏、旅游、母婴...

  • 2016世界园艺博览会在唐山开幕

    16-04-27 The 2016 Tangshan International Horticultural Exposition will kick off this weekend, 29 April and run till 16 October 2016, in Chinas northeastern Hebei province. 2016唐山世界园艺博览会将于本周末,4月29日在中国河北省开幕,本次展览将持续至10月16日。...

  • 莎士比亚所用的时髦的“吐槽”方式

    16-04-18 1.Hermia calls Helena a painted maypole - presumably because she is tall, thin, and wears a lot of makeup in A Midsummer Nights Dream. 赫米娅称呼海伦娜为一个油漆过的五月柱大概是因为在《仲夏夜之梦》中,海伦娜又高又瘦,并且画着大浓妆。 2. Maria calls...

  • 现在的性感流行趋势 露背

    15-11-06 It's the trend that has brought sexy well, back. 现在的性感流行趋势是露背。 Last week the Duchess of Cambridge followed celebrities including Naomi Campbell, Sienna Miller, Cressida Bonas and Emily Blunt by exposing her back - or a bit of it at leas...

  • 英国皇家将举办三场女王服装展览

    15-11-02 Born into the age of the flapper, growing up with the frugality of wartime and witnessing the advent of the miniskirt, the Queen has lived through ten different decades of fashion. 生于女性追求无拘无束的上世纪20年代,成长于节俭朴素的二战时期,还见证...

  • 87岁超模劝模特们走秀时别摆臭脸

    15-10-17 Daphne Selfe, who started modelling in the 1950s, has lamented that today's crop of youngsters walking the catwalk look miserable. 达芙妮塞尔夫在20世纪50年代就开始做模特,对于当今年轻模特走T台时脸挂着痛苦的表情,她颇为感叹。 The 87-year-old told an...

  • 新研究揭示贝克汉姆家真正的吸金能力

    15-09-30 The Beckham family empire has grown to include lucrative endorsements, modelling contracts and a fashion line or two - so it's no secret that Brand Beckham can sell. But a new study reveals just how lucrative the family brand really is. 贝克汉姆家产...

  • 琼·里弗斯语录

    15-08-23 I don't excercise. If God had wanted me to bend over, he would have put diamonds on the floor. 我从不锻炼。如果上帝想让我弯弯腰,那他必须在地上铺满钻石。 The fashion magazines are suggesting that women wear clothes that are 'age appropriate.' For me...

  • mushroom head 西瓜头

    15-05-13 Those who wore it risked being called a ' mushroom head ' by the less fashion forward at school but that hasn't prevented the bowl cut from making an unlikely comeback. 这种发型在学校里会被比较老土的人叫成蘑菇头,但是这并不能阻挡西瓜头发型的强势逆袭...