• 马通过眼睛与耳朵相互交流

    14-08-05 Horses are sensitive to the facial expressions and attention of other horses, including the direction of the eyes and ears. The findings, reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on August 4, are a reminder for us humans to look beyond our...

  • The Art of Navigation

    14-07-18 The Art of Navigation He set black and white on fire. -- Harry Gaugh on Franz Kline The rugged brushstroke of the dying oak is left standing for a week, limbless as the marriage we find ourselves dismantling. Without leaves or branches to create per...

  • peekaboo 躲猫猫

    14-07-10 One of us hides our eyes and then slowly reveals them, which causes peals of laughter from a baby. This game is called peekaboo . 遮住双眼,手再缓缓移开,这样的动作会把婴儿逗得咯咯笑。这种游戏就叫躲猫猫。 An early theory of why babies enjoy peekaboo...

  • 螳螂虾的眼睛可以看见紫外线光谱

    14-07-04 In an unexpected discovery, researchers have found that the complex eyes of mantis shrimp are equipped with optics that generate ultraviolet (UV) color vision. Mantis shrimp's six UV photoreceptors pick up on different colors within the UV spectrum...

  • 颜回攫甑

    14-06-24 When Confucius was traveling around all the states, he was once surrounded by crowds in Chen Cai district, and had not eaten a thing for seven days. Yan Hui managed to get some rice and cooked it in no time. When the rice was almost ready, Confucius...

  • The Wild

    14-06-05 The Wild Justine Cook The buzzing of a ladybug(瓢虫) above the bathroom mirror sounds like a small plane considering a landing on my head, bowed toward the executioner's block -- the sink. My hands cup water like a supplicant(恳求者) , asking fo...

  • 笑容能改变他人对你的看法

    14-05-25 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一名身体语言专家称,即使是最微妙的笑容也能改变他人对你的看法,并能对你的事业产生影响。扬起眉毛的笑容意味着谦恭,而压低双眉的笑容则展示出更有力量的形象,咧开嘴绽放大大的笑容能够巧妙地让人们交流积极的情感,而目光上抬的笑容则显...

  • The Story of Sidi-Nouman 2

    14-05-14 A short time after Amina entered as quietly as she had gone out. She undressed and stole into bed, congratulating herself apparently on the cleverness with which she had managed her expedition. As may be guessed, after such a scene it was long befor...

  • 蛛形类动物的祖先具有两组眼睛

    14-04-14 Stunning images of a 305-million-year-old harvestman fossil reveal ancestors of the modern-day arachnids(蛛形类) had two sets of eyes rather than one. The researchers say their findings, published in the journal Current Biology, add significant de...

  • A Change of Heart

    14-03-25 A Change of Heart R. T. Smith Sunday night a widow in Winslow, Arkansas came home to find an owl's fully detailed profile printed on her patio door as clear as a photographic plate, and it startled her -- wings spanned wide and outsized eyes, the fe...