• Mascara 睫毛膏

    22-01-25 眉毛(Eyebrows) 姐妹们画重点:眉毛(Eyebrows)真的很重要啊!你是蜡笔小新还是黛玉?是卡戴珊御姐范还是宋慧乔妹妹都可以从眉毛体现出来啊! 目的:给整张脸定框架,好的眉形绝对会为你的脸蛋儿锦上添花的(Eyebrows will flatter your face)! 购物Tips: Eyebrow pen...

  • 几个夸人的进阶词汇

    22-01-25 1.Breathtaking 这个词本身是形容美得让人窒息,常常说风景美到breathtaking,但是用来指人的话,那自然是非常非常漂亮而且又强调富有自然美,美的非常有格调了。有时候也可以这样说: She takes my breath away. 她美的让我无法呼吸了。 2.Charming 有没有这种人,一...

  • easy on the eyes 秀色可餐、风华绝代

    22-01-07 如果你要形容一个女生长得很好看,可以用秀色可餐、风华绝代等词。这时候英文就可以说:Easy on the eyes She is easy on the eyes. 她很好看 这个短语,还可以用来表示菜色。 My food is easy on the eyes. 我的菜看着让人很有食欲。...

  • bloodshot (眼睛)布满血丝

    21-09-28 bloodshot (眼睛)布满血丝 例句: Tom was so tired that his eyes were bloodshot. 汤姆太累了,眼睛布满了血丝。 - Did you stay up all night? Your eyes are bloodshot. -你昨天熬夜了吗?你的眼睛布满了血丝。 - Yes. I was busy finishing a report. -是啊,我...

  • have dark circles under one's eyes 有黑眼圈

    21-09-28 黑眼圈多半出现在眼睛下方,所以有黑眼圈就可以说成have dark circles under ones eyes。 例句: John is so tired that he has dark circles under his eyes. 约翰太累了,都有黑眼圈了。 - Dont stay up late. You have already had dark circles under your eyes. -...

  • to keep your eyes peeled 保持高度警觉

    21-08-19 如果有人提醒你说 to keep your eyes peeled 意思就是要你保持高度警觉,注意观察周围的一切。 例句 John told me hed meet us in the mall, so keep your eyes peeled. We need to follow signs for the motorway, so keep your eyes peeled. Mum will be home any mi...

  • one's eyes swim with tears 热泪盈眶

    21-08-05 热泪盈眶,汉语成语,意思是因感情激动而使眼泪充满了眼眶,形容感动至极。可以翻译为ones eyes swim with tears,ones eyes run over with tears,或tears of happiness spring up in ones eyes。 例句: 他热泪盈眶。 The tears welled up in his eyes. 他在比赛中获...

  • have eyes bigger than one's stomach 眼大肚子小

    21-07-13 英语表达have eyes bigger than ones stomach 眼睛比胃大和汉语俗语眼大肚子小的含义一样,用来形容人眼馋,看到什么都想吃下肚,却因为饭量有限,没办法吃完。我们也可以把这个说法中的stomach 胃口换成belly 肚子,意思相同。 例句 Could you help me finish these c...

  • keep your eyes on the prize 盯住目标,心无旁鹜

    21-04-24 Keep your eyes on the prize 眼睛紧盯在奖品上 是一个非常励志的英语表达。它用来劝诫、鼓舞他人要 集中精力,专注、致力于达成自己的目标,心无旁鹜。这里,名词 prize 奖赏 表示 通过努力能够实现的目标或得到的成功。这个表达因为 eyes 和 prize 这对词语读音押韵...

  • be reluctant to part 依依不舍

    21-04-23 依依不舍,汉语成语,依依表示依恋的样子,形容舍不得离开,很留恋。可以翻译为be reluctant to part,cannot bear to part。 例句: 他们依依不舍地分手了。 They parted with reluctance. 我依依不舍地把目光从那可怜的孩子身上移开。 I dragged my eyes away from t...