• 学习真的会伤害视力吗?

    21-04-02 一项发布在《英国医学期刊》上的新研究结果称,发现有力证据表明人们花在学业上的时间越长,视力就越差,从而更有可能需要佩戴眼睛。 It took a clever feat of genetics to figure out this relationship. The researchers studied what happened to people who had m...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 35

    21-02-24 Vaguely, as of a sound coming from far distances, the crack of a revolver-shot penetrated to the girls numbed brain. It did not surprise her. Indeed, it roused only a feeling of the mildest curiosity in one whose nerves had been strained almost to t...

  • 长时间看屏幕会影响孩子的视力?

    21-02-10 在多屏幕的现代社会中,孩子们的日常生活被各种电子屏幕所包围。他们每天要做的很多事情都涉及长时间盯着一种电子设备屏幕,而有越来越多的证据表明长时间看屏幕会使孩子的视力下降,造成近视。 These days there is so much tempting technology to look at: smartpho...

  • Work: A Story of Experience - Chapter 6

    21-01-24 FOR some weeks Christie rested and refreshed herself by making her room gay and comfortable with the gifts lavished on her by the Carrols, and by sharing with others the money which Harry had smuggled into her possession after she had steadily refus...

  • 历历在目

    21-01-10 中国人在回忆过往时,常说往事历历在目。历历在目,汉语成语,指远方的景物看得清清楚楚,或过去的事情清清楚楚地重现在眼前,可以翻译为remain clear and distinct in ones mind; leap up vividly before the eyes; remember every detail as if before the eyes。历...

  • Rose In Bloom - Chapter 14

    20-12-20 Being seriously alarmed by the fear of losing the desire of his heart, Charlie had gone resolutely to work and, like many another young reformer, he rather overdid the matter, for in trying to keep out of the way of temptation, he denied himself muc...

  • 狗眼进化为吸引人的注意力

    20-12-17 如果你觉得一只狗的眼睛似乎在告诉你一件事情或通过眼神得到你的注意,那么这可能是狗眼睛周围的肌肉出现了进化。研究人员发现,这样的进化使得它们能够做出对人类特别有吸引力的表情。 If a dog has eyes that seem to be telling you something or demanding your at...

  • 表视觉、触觉、气味、听觉及味觉的感官动词

    20-12-05 1. Your eyes are red. You _______ tired. a) sound b) feel c) look d) taste 2. This cake _______ so sweet, and leaves a nice texture on your tongue. a) tastes b) sounds c) feels d) smells 3. Im going to throw out the bread. Its making the kitchen ___...

  • An Old-Fashioned Girl - Chapter 16

    20-11-12 THE weeks that followed taught the Shaws, as many other families have been taught, how rapidly riches take to themselves wings and fly away, when they once begin to go. Mr. Shaw carried out his plans with an energy and patience that worked wonders,...

  • do something with your eyes closed 闭着眼睛都能做某事

    20-11-08 表达 do something with your eyes closed 或 do something with your eyes shut 的意思是 能轻而易举地或很好地做某事,就像汉语里说的 闭着眼睛都能做。用这个表达可以暗示你已经多次做过某事,所以做起来轻车熟路,得心应手。 这个表达多与情态动词 can 或词组 be a...