• 新训练方法可保证骑行者健康

    10-08-31 For competitive bicyclists with goals whether competing in the Tour de France(环法自行车赛) or aiming for the podium(颁奖台,指挥台) at a local race faster cycling comes from training regimens(生活规则,养生法) based on various zones of exerci...

  • 智利被困矿工需减肥以便于救援

    10-08-28 位于智利北部阿塔卡马沙漠的圣何塞铜矿8月5日发生塌方,33名井下作业人员被困在地面以下近700米(2300英尺)处,救援难度极大。救援人员必须用特殊的钻机穿透深达688米的坚硬岩层,开凿一个新井直达矿工们被困的空间,才能救出他们。 The 33 miners trapped undergroun...

  • 大笑瑜伽助你驱除烦恼促进心理健康

    10-07-31 Giggles and guffaws filled the halls of an elderly home in Manila as its residents gathered for an unusual therapy session. 菲律宾马尼拉一家老人院的大厅里常常充满了人们的各种笑声,这是老人们聚在一起接受一项特别的治疗。 The seniors were practicing la...

  • 癌症治疗前后可进行适宜的锻炼

    10-06-02 Cancer patients who've been told to rest and avoid exercise can and should find ways to be physically active both during and after treatment, according to new national guidelines. Kathryn Schmitz, PhD, MPH, an associate professor of Epidemiology(流...

  • 阻力运动与血流控制可增强老年人肌肉质量

    10-05-16 For years, researchers have known that resistance exercise training such as weightlifting, in which muscles work against gravity or another force can be one of the most effective ways to fight the debilitating(衰弱的) muscle loss caused by aging....

  • 水中瑜伽在印度日渐流行

    10-04-24 You've probably heard of hot yoga and power yoga, but now there's another form of the physical and mental activity that's gaining in popularity in India -- water yoga. 你可能听说过高温瑜伽和力量瑜伽,但现在有一种新的瑜伽在印度日渐流行,这就是水中瑜...

  • 低碳环保新举措 脚踏车发电享晚餐

    10-04-24 丹麦一家酒店近日推出一项低碳环保新举措,邀请入住的客人通过安装在酒店的脚踏发电自行车边运动边发电,如果发电量到达一定标准便可以免费享用一顿晚餐。 The Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers, 15 minutes from the centre of the Danish capital and five minutes fr...

  • 健康专家:久坐可致命

    10-01-31 Here's a new warning from health experts: Sitting is deadly. Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods even if you also exercise regularly could be bad for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place...

  • 弄清减肥的真相

    10-01-07 It's time to set the record straight. The only reliable way to lose weight is to eat less or exercise more. Preferably更适宜,较好 both. So why bother to state the obvious? Because a body of scientific literature has arisen over recent years, sugges...

  • 中年人不宜过量运动

    09-11-30 Middle-aged men and women may be risking arthritis if they overdo their exercise regime, research suggests. 研究显示,中年男女超出合适的运动体制可能有患关节炎的风险。 Can exercise be too much of a good thing? A US study of more than 200 people aged...