• 一天中有没有最佳的锻炼身体时间?

    22-10-18 锻炼身体这件事情无论在什么时候做都对你有好处。但是一天中是否有一个最佳的锻炼时间,可以让你从中得到最好的锻炼效果呢? With our already busy lives, finding time to exercise can feel like one more thing on our to do list. So maybe it would help if ther...

  • 一些安眠小技巧

    22-09-09 ① 睡前少看电子产品 Reduce blue light exposure in the evening 手机、笔记本电脑和电视发出的蓝光会影响你的昼夜节律,让你的大脑误以为还是白天。同时,蓝光的刺激会使褪黑激素等帮助你放松和进入深度睡眠的激素减少。所以,建议至少在睡前一小时就放下电子产品。...

  • 关于考试的句子

    22-08-26 1. Think positive, use affirmations, tell yourself you will give it your best shot. 乐观思考,自我肯定,告诉自己会全力以赴。 2. Adequate exercise, healthy eating and regular sleep are also keys to staying in top shape for exams. 充足的锻炼、健康的饮...

  • 高强度运动每周5小时就足够

    22-07-28 哈佛大学的一项研究发现,每周进行五小时以上的高强度运动无法获得更多益处,对于避免过早死亡没有帮助。这项对10万名美国人为期30年的研究分析了运动如何影响一个人的死亡风险。研究发现,每周进行75分钟的剧烈运动(每周建议剧烈运动量)可以将死于心血管疾病的风险...

  • 运动后不拉伸会怎样?

    22-05-16 1.You Could Feel Sick 可能会感到身体不适 You wont be surprised to know that when you exercise, you raise your heart rate for a period of time. While its great to get that blood flowing, experts will tell you that its just as important to get your he...

  • 健康的减肥方式

    22-04-08 1. Watch your portions 注意份额 2. Avoid sugar 不吃糖类 3. Have more meals a day but less food at each 少食多餐 4. Eat a reasonably balanced diet 保持营养均衡 5. Do exercise 锻炼...