• 平常生活中非常容易被误解的21个词组 中

    22-02-18 8.fourth estate 是指记者或新闻界。estate有地产、遗产、地位的意思。欧洲传统上认为社会由贵族、教会、平民三大阶层构成。大家是否还记得高中历史书上的法国大革命的图片。这些就是所谓的estate of the realm; 近代新闻记者自成一个势力,则是传统三大阶层以外的第...

  • 万达2.72亿欧卖掉西班牙大厦

    17-06-03 Chinese real estate giant Dalian Wandas hotel unit has confirmed that its sold the iconic Edificio Espana building in Madrid to Spanish property developer Baraka Global Invest. 中国房地产巨头大连万达集团已证实,已将西班牙马德里标志性建筑西班牙大厦卖...

  • 香港超纽约成大陆房地产投资首选地

    17-05-03 Real estate service company Colliers International says Hong Kong is likely to surpass New York this year as the top destination for the real estate investment from the Chinese mainland. 房地产服务公司高力国际称,香港今年可能超过纽约成为中国大陆房地...

  • 独立可拆分漂浮建筑 避免房产争夺战

    16-07-30 With divorce rates steadily increasing, some newlyweds are drawing up prenuptial agreements before tying the knot. 随着离婚率的逐步攀升,一些好事将近的情侣会在喜结连理前拟定婚前协议书。 But one firm has set out to help divorcees avoid a real estate...

  • 中国房地产信息系统将于2015年底试运行

    15-09-06 China's online real estate information platform system will start pilot operation by the end of 2015. 中国房地产在线信息化平台系统将于2015年底试运行。 According to the Ministry of Land and Resources, local governments are required to carry out real...

  • 荷兰公司致力于为超级富豪打造私人岛屿

    15-08-23 Want to own your own island but can't find one in your desired location? 你还在为无法在心仪的地方拥有一个私人岛屿而苦恼吗? Such issues could soon be consigned to history - for the super-wealthy, at least - after plans were unveiled for the world's...

  • 万达与万科建立战略伙伴关系

    15-05-15 China's biggest commercial property group, Dalian Wanda, has formed a strategic partnership with China Vanke Corporation. 中国最大的商业地产集团大连万达与万科集团建立战略伙伴关系。 The two leading real estate developers will set up a co-funded compa...

  • 2014年中国房地产用地下降25.5%

    15-02-25 Official data shows the land area used in Chinese real estate development has fallen sharply through this past year. 官方数据显示,2014年用于房地产开发土地的使用率急剧下降。 151-thousand hectares of land was set aside for new home construction last...

  • Jackson的父亲请求分得遗产

    09-11-08 Joe Jackson has requested an allowance from the estate of his late son Michael, saying the pop star supported him for years before his death. Joe Jackson请求分得他已故儿子Michael的财产,称这位巨星在生前支持过他很多年。 Court papers gave a list of Jo...

  • NY socialite heir guilty of theft 纽约名流后人犯偷窃罪

    09-10-09 A New York court has convicted the 85-year-old son of late US socialite and philanthropist Brooke Astor of looting his mother's estate in her final years. 纽约一座法庭判处现年已85岁的美国近期社会名流、慈善家Brooke Astor的儿子在其母亲晚年非法掠夺其财...