• anti-apartheid icon 反种族隔离偶像

    14-03-13 Mandela, the country's first black president and anti-apartheid icon known in South Africa by his clan name of Madiba, emerged from 27 years in apartheid prisons to help guide South Africa through bloodshed and turmoil to democracy. 南非首位黑人总统...

  • 孟加拉国部署军队确保大选顺利进行

    13-12-26 Tens of thousands of troops are being deployed across Bangladesh to try to prevent potential political violence ahead of next month's elections. 数以万计的军队被部署于孟加拉国,以阻止下个月大选前可能出现的潜在政治暴力。 This comes as main opposition...

  • 埃及可能将于2014年1月举行全民公投

    13-11-26 A referendum on Egypt's amended constitution is likely to take place in January, the interim PM has said. 埃及宪法修正案中规定的全民公投可能将于明年一月份举行。 Hazem Beblawi said the referendum would take place in the second half of January - later...

  • 津巴布韦开始进行总统选举

    13-07-31 Zimbabweans are voting in fiercely contested presidential and parliamentary elections. 津巴布韦人民正在对竞争激烈的总统以及国会选举进行投票。 President Robert Mugabe, 89, has said he will step down after 33 years in power if he and his Zanu-PF party...

  • 埃及临时总统列出选举时间表

    13-07-09 Egypt's interim leader has outlined his timetable for new elections. 埃及临时领导人给出了新选举时间表。 Adly Mansour's decree(法令) envisages changes to the Islamist-drafted constitution and a referendum, which would pave way the way for elections...

  • 纳瓦兹·谢里夫将担任巴基斯坦新总理

    13-06-05 Nawaz Sharif is to be sworn in as Pakistan's prime minister on Wednesday after his surprise landslide victory in general elections last month. 纳瓦兹谢里夫周三将宣誓就职巴基斯坦新总理,上月他在大选中大获全胜。 Mr Sharif's majority in parliament is b...

  • 伊朗总统选举禁止女性参加

    13-05-17 A constitutional body in Iran has ruled that women cannot run in presidential elections scheduled for 14 June. 伊朗一家立法机构裁定,女性不得参加6月14日举行的总统选举。 Mohammad Yazdi, a clerical member of the Guardian Council, said the constitution...

  • electoral map 选举地图

    13-05-09 根据美国的总统选举制度,候选人在一个州的选举中获得多数投票,他就拥有这个州的全部总统选举人票,因此,地理区域就成了美国政治学家观察选举的直接指标。政治学家用红色代表共和党、蓝色代表民主党,然后根据选举结果,在地图上以红蓝两色标注候选人赢得的州和选区...

  • 埃及新总统呼吁人民团结

    12-06-25 The Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Mursi has called for national unity following his victory in Egypt's presidential elections. 埃及穆斯林兄弟会穆罕默德穆尔西当选埃及新总统,他呼吁全国人民团结起来。 Mr Mursi, an Islamist and Egypt's first democratica...

  • 奥朗德四子女与瓦莱丽“断绝关系”

    12-06-22 Franois Hollande's four children have reportedly cut off relations with his new girlfriend Valrie Trierweiler, after she backed their mother's rival for a parliamentary seat she went on to lose. 据报道,法国新任总统弗朗索瓦-奥朗德的四名子女已经与父...