• 伊拉克新议会成立

    10-06-15 A new parliament has convened in Iraq, more than three months after inconclusive elections. 在经历三个多月非决定性竞选之后,伊拉克宣告组建新议会。 The acting speaker declared the parliament open but suspended it indefinitely But there is no sign yet...

  • 几内亚军官遭捕事件与选举无关

    10-06-15 The arrest of several army officers in Guinea is not linked to elections due in two weeks' time, the army chief has said. 几内亚陆军参谋长称,最近几起陆军军官逮捕事件与两周后的选举无关。 Col Nouhou Thiam said the detentions(拘留,延迟) were over a...

  • 埃塞俄比亚反对党领导要求重新选举

    10-05-27 Ethiopia's opposition leaders have called for a rerun of Sunday's elections, saying they were flawed. 埃塞俄比亚反对党领导人要求上周日的选举重新进行,声称此次选举存在舞弊行为。 Merera Gudina's supporters were hoping to make gains Head of the main op...

  • 苏丹反对党领袖图拉比“被逮捕”

    10-05-17 Sudanese authorities have arrested Islamist opposition leader Hassan al-Turabi, his family and senior members of his party have said. 苏丹伊斯兰教反对党领导人哈桑图拉比的家属和其政党高级成员证实,苏丹当局已逮捕哈桑图拉比。 Hassan al-Turabi was once...

  • 尼日利亚代总统乔纳森宣誓就职

    10-05-07 Nigeria's acting President Goodluck Jonathan has been sworn in as head of state following the death of President Umaru Yar'Adua after a long illness. 尼日利亚总统亚拉杜瓦病逝之后,代总统古德勒克乔纳森宣誓就职。 Mr Jonathan, in charge since February,...

  • 卢旺达两名高级军官被停职逮捕

    10-04-21 Two high-ranking officers have been suspended from Rwanda's military and put under arrest, a military spokesperson told the BBC. 一位卢旺达军事发言人称,两位高级军官已被停职并逮捕。 President Kagame exercises tight control of the military Maj-Gen Ch...

  • 苏丹大选“未能达到国际标准”

    10-04-18 Two international organisations monitoring the elections in Sudan say the controversial polls failed to meet full international standards. 两个负责监视苏丹选举的国际组织称,苏丹颇具争议的选举未能完全达到国际标准。 Election monitors observed the coun...

  • 苏丹总统邀请反对派加入政府

    10-04-15 Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has asked opposition parties to join his government if he wins landmark elections currently under way. 如果苏丹现任总统奥马尔巴希尔赢得正在进行的具有里程碑意义的总统选举,他将邀请反对派政党参与到政府之中。 Many oppo...

  • 苏丹大选开始 初期局势较混乱

    10-04-12 Sudan's first multi-party elections in 24 years are going into their second day amid reports of confusion and disarray in many regions. 苏丹24年以来首次多政党选举程序进入第二天,许多地区有报导选举过程混乱、无序。 Election results are expected on 18...

  • 苏丹乌玛党退出总统选举

    10-04-08 One of Sudan's key opposition parties has said that it plans to boycott the country's elections. 苏丹一个主要反对党乌玛党称其将拒绝参加国家选举。 Opposition parties warn that the poll is unlikely to be either free or fair A spokesman said the Umma p...