12-12-28 The cocktail party effect (also known as selective attention) is the phenomenon of being able to focus one's auditory attention on a particular stimulus while filtering out a range of other stimuli, much the same way that a partygoer can focus on a...
12-12-13 According to a new study, people whose surnames start with letters late in the alphabet may be the fastest to buy. What could possibly explain this weird phenomenon, which the study authors dubbed the last-name effect ? The research didn't provide a...
12-10-31 根据其中文意思,通常,我们将脑残翻译为impaired-brain 或者brain-impaired,分别为名词和形容词。这是比较正常的说法。 下面为大家隆重介绍一种超绝的英文释义: 脑残的定义 Your brain has two parts: the left and the right. Your left brain has nothing right,...
12-07-02 Some may cite the social psychological phenomenon of bystander effect . Others, especially those in China familiar with the case of Peng Yu, may consider the fear of repercussions as a result of offering aid to be a more likely root cause. 有些人可...
11-12-10 A brilliant employee should in theory be an inspiration to colleagues. But rather than raising their game, workmates put in a worse performance when in the presence of a high-flier, experts say. 理论上说,一名出色的员工应该能够激励同事。但专家认为,...
11-06-01 In addition to its damaging effect on the environment and its illegal smuggling into developing countries, researchers have now linked e-waste to adverse effects on human health, such as inflammation and oxidative stress(氧化应激) precursors to ca...
10-12-24 A new study at the University of Haifa reveals: Emotional intelligence empowers positive attitudes and weakens negative behavior in the private sector; but does not have the same effect in the public sector. The results of this study emphasize the e...
10-06-25 你是不是曾经因为在某一次派对上把饮料撒了一身而懊恼很久?你有没有曾经在公共场合摔倒,然后在5秒钟内迅速起身,还要装作若无其事?回答都是是?恭喜你,你也是 spotlight effect 组的一员了。 Spotlight effect, also called the social spotlight effect, is the t...
10-03-21 Los Angeles, CA (March 18. 2010) The presence of an attractive woman elevates(提升) testosterone(睾丸素) levels and physical risk taking in young men, according to a recent study in the inaugural(就职的,开幕的) issue of Social Psychological a...
09-10-28 If winning is everything, British anthropologists(人类学家) have some advice: Wear red. Their survey of four sports at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens shows competitors were more likely to win their contests if they wore red uniforms or red body...