• 奥巴马讲话 推动男女同工同酬 提高最低工资

    14-03-30 Hi, everybody. This week, I visited a community college in Florida, where I spoke with students about what we need to do to make sure our economy rewards the hard work of every American. More specifically, I spoke about making sure our economy rewar...

  • 奥巴马讲话 加班应有报酬 勤劳应有回报

    14-03-30 Hi, everybody. In this year of action, I'm doing everything I can, with or without Congress, to expand opportunity for more Americans. This week, I ordered a review of our nation's overtime rules, to give more Americans the chance to earn the overti...

  • 波多黎各向市民征求经济发展意见

    14-03-20 The government of Puerto Rico has asked its citizens to send in their ideas on how to revive the economy. 波多黎各政府要求市民就如何复苏经济提出相应意见。 The chief of staff of the Caribbean island, Ingrid Vila, said Puerto Ricans could submit speci...

  • 美国二月新增17.5万就业岗位

    14-03-10 The US economy added 175,000 new jobs in February, but the unemployment rate rose slightly to 6.7%. 二月份美国新增17.5万个就业岗位,不过失业率轻微上涨至6.7%。 The jobs figures, from the US Labor Department, were better than many had been expecting a...

  • 爱沙尼亚总理安西普辞职

    14-03-05 After nine years in office, Estonian PM Andrus Ansip has announced his resignation. 爱沙尼亚总理安德鲁斯安西普宣布辞职,他执政长达九年。 Mr Ansip, who at 57 is the longest-serving prime minister in the European Union, is likely to be replaced by Eur...

  • 奥巴马讲话 为美国人民创造更多机会

    14-02-21 Hi, everybody. In my State of the Union Address, I talked about the idea of opportunity for all. Opportunity is the idea at the heart of this country-that no matter who you are or how you started out, with hard work and responsibility, you can get a...

  • 2013第四季度法国经济增长0.3%

    14-02-14 The French economy grew by 0.3% in the last three months of 2013, government figures indicate. 法国政府统计数据显示,2013年第四季度法国经济增长0.3%。 At the same time, the country's INSEE statistical office reported that growth was zero in the third...

  • 2014全球十大危机

    14-01-27 The World Economic Forum on Thursday released its Global Risks 2014 report. 世界经济论坛在周四发布了《2014全球危机报告》。 Taking a 10-year outlook, the report assesses 31 risks that are global in nature and have the potential to cause significant n...

  • 奥巴马讲话 确保2014成为推动经济增长的一年

    14-01-25 Hi, everybody. Yesterday, we learned that in 2013, our businesses created 2.2 million new jobs-including 87,000 last month. Our unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since October 2008. And across our broader economy, there are signs of progre...

  • 世界银行:全球经济正处于转折点

    14-01-15 The global economy is at a turning point, the World Bank has said, as it forecasts stronger growth for 2014. 世界银行称,全球经济正处于转折点,并预测2014年将有强势增长。 In its annual report on the world economy, the bank said richer countries appea...