• THE ON/OFF EATER 要么饿死要么撑死型吃货

    22-07-26 THE ON/OFF EATER 要么饿死要么撑死型吃货 Do you: 你有木有: Experiment with different weight-loss diets? 尝试了多种多样的减肥餐? Obsess over calories or fats? 超卡路里超重? Start a diet with great intentions, but last only a few days or weeks? 一时...

  • “Word”稍正式口语用法

    22-07-26 1. To give your word means to tell the truth: To give your word 表示告诉你事实: E.g.: Will you be here when I get back? Give me your word. 等我回来时你是否会在这?跟我说实话。 2. Dont take my word for it is to trust what is being said: Dont take my...

  • 减肥常用英语口语

    22-04-08 1. Im ( going ) on a diet. 我在节食减肥。 2. Im cutting down on sweet food. 我正在减少甜食的摄入量。 3. I just drink sugar-free beverage. 我只喝无糖饮料。 4. Youve got to eat less and exercise more. 你得少吃多运动。 5. Shes on a diet.That explains w...

  • 健康的减肥方式

    22-04-08 1. Watch your portions 注意份额 2. Avoid sugar 不吃糖类 3. Have more meals a day but less food at each 少食多餐 4. Eat a reasonably balanced diet 保持营养均衡 5. Do exercise 锻炼...

  • Paleo diet 史前饮食

    22-03-29 现代的饮食和生活方式发生了翻天覆地的变化,而人类却似乎还没有在身心上适应这种变化,于是各种健康问题接踵而至,也许我们真的可以尝试一些原始的饮食和生活方式。 For most people, going Paleo starts in the kitchen. 对于大部分人来说,回归史前生活从厨房开始。...

  • twist your arm 说服某人做某事

    21-12-28 如果你扭某人的胳膊 twist someones arm 就意味着你说服他们做点什么。 例句 I know you said you didnt want to go out tonight, but can I twist your arm? I could really do with a night out. I shouldnt have one of those cakes as Im on a diet But go on then...

  • 高脂肪饮食会加速脱发

    21-09-29 你以为高脂肪饮食只会让人变胖吗?或许发际线也会因此受到影响。日本一项新研究发现,高脂肪饮食也会加速脱发。 We all know the dangers of a diet thats high in fat. From hypertension to diabetes, heart disease to even some forms of cancer, the range of ail...

  • out of shape 身材走形

    21-05-09 虽然搭配 out of shape 直译成汉语是 变形,但当人们在谈论体型的时候,则用这个说法来形容人 因超重而身材走形,健康状况不好的。与这一搭配含义相反的表达是 in shape,意思是 身材健美、健康的。 例句 He hadnt been to the gym for a few months and was out of sh...

  • 无糖生活

    21-03-23 I miss my sugar! Ive decided to go on a diet to lose weight and I had to give up pastries and cakes. Its difficult because I have a sweet tooth and I love cream cakes. Not having treats can be good for your health. Ive heard that a whole family in S...

  • 地中海饮食连续四年被评为最佳饮食

    21-01-25 The Mediterranean dietinspired by the cuisines of Spain, Italy and Greecehas been named the best overall diet by US News World Report for the fourth consecutive year. 地中海饮食源自西班牙、意大利和希腊的饮食,连续四年被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为最佳...