• 北极熊对高脂肪食物的适应力值得研究

    14-05-09 A comparison of the genomes of polar bears and brown bears reveals that the polar bear is a much younger species than previously believed, having diverged from brown bears less than 500,000 years ago. The analysis also uncovered several genes that m...

  • 5:2 diet 5比2节食法

    14-04-18 The 5:2 diet , also written as 5/2 diet, is a fad diet which involves severe calorie restriction for two non-consecutive days a week and normal eating the other five days, which originated and became popular in the UK, and spread in Europe and to th...

  • 父亲的饮食对后代的健康有一定影响

    13-12-11 Mothers get all the attention. But a study led by McGill researcher Sarah Kimmins suggests that the father's diet before conception may play an equally important role in the health of their offspring. It also raises concerns about the long-term effe...

  • 形容“胖”的词汇

    13-05-13 plump/chubby 胖乎乎/胖嘟嘟 flabby 肌肉不结实 big-boned 魁梧的 bulky 人又高大又肥胖 chunky/tubby/dumpy 矮胖子 heavy-set 敦实的 stout 粗壮结实 obese 超胖的 obesity 肥胖症 fat/corpulent 肥胖的 overweight 超重的 gain/put on weight 增重 lose/reduce weigh...

  • 《想爱趁现在》二

    12-12-17 精彩对白 Julian: So that was incredible. Marley: He's been performing since he was 8. Julian: Wow! Marley: So, what are you doing now? Want to get something to eat with me? Like, gefilte fish tacos, perhaps. Julian: No, I can't stay. I'd love to, bu...

  • 100-foot diet 自产绿色食品

    12-11-27 100-foot diet is a diet that consists mostly or exclusively of food grown in one's garden. 100-foot diet指餐桌上的食物大部分或者全部来自于自家花园产出的作物,称为自产绿色食品。 The 100-foot diet emphasizes on reducing one's carbon footprint by growi...

  • 正确进食是鲸鱼生存的关键

    12-11-23 In the marine world, high-energy prey make for high-energy predators. And to survive, such marine predators need to sustain the right kind of high-energy diet. Not just any prey will do, suggests a new study by researchers from the University of Bri...

  • 纯素食有潜在健康风险

    12-05-05 近日发布在自然母亲网络的一篇文章指出,纯素食也有潜在的健康风险,比如,纯素食者患肠癌的几率更高、骨矿物密度偏低,以及更容易缺乏维生素B12等等。 Thinking of giving up meat from your diet? The potential health benefits of a green diet are well establish...

  • 法国:体重也能给考试加分

    12-01-07 著名的饱受争议的迪康减肥法(Dukan Diet)创始人法国营养学家迪康(Pierre Dukan),日前在其新书中提出,可以通过给变瘦的孩子增加额外考试成绩的方法来解决儿童肥胖问题。 Pierre Dukan, the nutritionist behind the popular but controversial Dukan diet, has su...

  • 血统对营养与疾病起到重要作用

    11-06-15 Over the past decade, much progress has been made regarding the understanding and promise of personalized medicine. Scientists are just beginning to consider the impact of gene-diet interactions in different populations in regards to disease prevent...