• 我可以吃低糖的干果吗?

    20-12-11 Can I eat dried fruit on a low-sugar diet? 问:我可以吃低糖的干果吗? Dried fruit is packed with nutrients, but the drying process removes the water and concentrates a lot of fruit sugar in a very small bite. The risk is that it takes more dried fru...

  • dish,course,diet,cuisine

    20-10-31 在谈论和美食有关的话题时,单词 dish、course、diet 和 cuisine 都比较常用,但是它们具体的含义却不同。 我们先来看名词 dish。Dish 这个词最初指 盘子、碟子。在不同的文化当中,人们的用餐方式和习惯是不大一样的。比如,我们中国人的餐桌上通常会有很多盘子,盘子...

  • 节食者每天吃多少不会长胖

    20-10-29 For decades, diet gurus have advised slimmers to simply eat less but while that mantra seems easy, it turns out that its harder than it sounds. 长久以来,减肥达人总是告诫瘦身者一定要少吃点。这听起来很简单,其实却非常困难。 According to nutritionists...

  • Mediterranean diet 地中海饮食

    17-04-20 It is never too late to start eating a Mediterranean diet , as a study shows it could stop the brains of people in their seventies from shrinking. 开始吃地中海饮食永远都不会太晚。研究显示,地中海饮食可以阻止70多岁的老人脑萎缩。 The Mediterranean die...

  • 男人吃这些食物可以更吸引异性

    17-01-04 When it comes to your love life, the impact of your diet could go beyond having a few extra pounds around the waist -- what you eat may also influence how pleasing your body smells to members of the opposite sex. Scientists have long observed such a...

  • 意大利:让孩子吃纯素 父母将面临监禁

    16-08-19 If parliamentarian Elvira Savino has her way, Italian parents who insist on a vegan diet for their children will risk up to four years in jail. 若意大利国会议员萨维诺的提案通过,坚持让孩子吃纯素的父母将面临长达四年的监禁。 Savino, from the conservat...

  • elimination diet 食物排除疗法

    16-08-12 An elimination diet is a method of identifying foods that an individual cannot consume without adverse effects. Adverse effects may be due to food allergy, food intolerance, other physiological mechanisms (such as metabolic or toxins), or a combinat...

  • 每天应该摄入多少克糖?

    16-07-16 The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that less than 10 percent of daily calories come from added sugars. Thats under 200 calories, or 50 grams, in a 2,000-calorie diet. Reality check: If youve been avoiding fruits that are high in su...

  • 减掉赘肉真正需要做些什么 下

    16-05-24 Manage your emotions Emotions can ruin your day, and subsequently any healthy progress youve made, Teeter warns. One bad day at work can lead to binge eating and drinking in front of the TV instead of preparing a nourishing meal and hitting the gym....

  • 减掉赘肉真正需要做些什么 上

    16-05-24 Dont expect a miracle It probably took you a lifetime to reach the size you are now, and that means it might take years to become the healthiest version of yourself, says Alicia Marie, a holistic enthusiast who has dropped more than 100lbs. It may b...