• lowflation 低通胀

    15-03-16 Lowflation refers to a persistently low level of inflation, particularly one that threatens a countrys economic prosperity. 低通胀指的是持续保持较低的通胀水平,低通胀往往会威胁到一个国家的经济繁荣。 Example: If the current lowflation goes on for lon...

  • 阿里巴巴获A+债信评级

    14-11-14 Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group has received its first debt ratings from international credit agencies. 中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团获国际信贷机构首次债信评级。 Standard Poor's and Fitch Ratings rated the notes at investment grade A-plus, while M...

  • 法律英语:Bankruptcy 破产

    14-10-31 Bankruptcy protects the debtor from debt collection by creditors. 破产程序保护债务人免受债权人的讨债。 A debtor may file for bankruptcy,which is called voluntary bankruptcy. 债务人可以申请破产,这叫做自愿破产。 He was adjudicated or declared bankrup...

  • government omnipotence 全能型政府

    13-12-11 Government omnipotence , which has become an obstacle to efficiency after powering China's staggering growth in past decades, is expected to be addressed in reforms outlined by the country's new leadership for the next decade. 中国新一届领导集体有望...

  • 美国政府雇员重回工作岗位

    13-10-20 Hundreds of thousands of US government employees are back at work after President Barack Obama signed a law ending a 16-day government shutdown and extending the US debt limit. 美国总统奥巴马签署一项法案,停止政府16天的关门状态和扩大债务上限,几十万...

  • 美国国会通过预算法案

    13-10-17 The US Congress has passed a bill to reopen the government and raise the federal debt limit, with hours to spare before the nation risked default. 美国国会通过了一份重新开放政府和提高联邦债务上限的法案,此时距离国家违约仅剩几小时时间。 The Democrati...

  • 10月17日美国政府将达债务上限

    13-09-26 The US will hit its debt ceiling by 17 October, the Treasury Secretary has warned. 美国财政部长警告,10月17日美国政府将达到债务上限。 Jack Lew said that unless the US is allowed to extend its borrowing limit, the country will be left with about $30b...

  • 西班牙布尼奥尔镇西红柿大战将收费

    13-08-28 The debt-hit Spanish town of Bunol - world-renowned for its tomato-throwing Tomatina festival - is to charge entry for the first time. 饱受债务困扰的西班牙小镇布尼奥尔因西红柿大战而举世闻名将首次实行进入收费制。 Tourists around the world flock to th...

  • 巴西将免除9亿美元非洲债务

    13-05-27 Brazil has announced that it will cancel or restructure almost $900m worth of debt with Africa. 巴西政府宣布将取消或调整与非洲国家大约9亿美元的债务。 Oil- and gas-rich Congo-Brazzaville, Tanzania and Zambia are among the 12 African countries to bene...

  • 塞浦路斯议会否决征收存款税

    13-03-24 Cyprus overwhelmingly rejected a proposed levy on bank deposits as a condition for a European bailout on Tuesday, throwing international efforts to rescue the latest casualty of the euro zone debt crisis into disarray. 塞浦路斯议会周二以压倒性多数票...