• It's worth it

    10-12-17 Horror gripped the heart of the World War I soldier as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle. Caught in a trench(沟渠,战壕) with continuous gunfire whizzing over his head, the soldier asked his lieutenant(中尉,副官) if he might go out into...

  • 墨西哥湾生物死区范围将扩大

    10-06-29 University of Michigan aquatic(水生植物或动物) ecologist Donald Scavia and his colleagues say this year's Gulf of Mexico dead zone is expected to be larger than average, continuing a decades-long trend that threatens the health of a $659 million f...

  • 英皇家空军上尉克里斯多夫·莫兰猝死

    10-05-27 The second most senior officer in the RAF has died after collapsing while taking part in a charity triathlon, the Ministry of Defence has said. 英国国防部证实,皇家空军第二高级军官克里斯多夫莫兰在参加慈善铁人三项比赛时突然昏倒后死亡。 Air Chief Mars...

  • Ways to report death 报丧方式

    10-04-13 Ways to Report Death Two brothers, Herbert and James, lived with their mother and a cat named Edgar. James was particularly attached to(附属于,爱慕) the cat, and when he had to leave town for several days, he left Herbert meticulous(小心翼翼的,...

  • 哥伦比亚某省长被挟持、杀害

    09-12-23 Colombian authorities say the kidnapped governor of southern Caqueta province has been found dead. 哥伦比亚官员称,被挟持的南方卡克塔省省长已死亡。 Luis Francisco Cuellar had been seized from his house in the provincial capital, Florencia, by suspec...

  • 意大利谋杀案凶手或被判无期徒刑

    09-11-22 Prosecutors have asked for life imprisonment for the pair accused of murdering British student Meredith Kercher in Italy. 公诉人请求判处在意大利谋杀英国学生梅雷迪思克尔彻的凶手无期徒刑。 Amanda Knox addressed the court in Italian to deny any wrongdo...

  • 埃及发生列车追尾事故

    09-10-25 At least 20 people have been killed when a passenger train smashed into the back of another train near the Egyptian capital, Cairo. 埃及首都开罗附近一列客运列车猛撞到另一辆列车尾部,造成至少20人死亡。 The crash happened south of the Egyptian capital...

  • 'Hundreds lost' in Taiwan typhoon 台风袭击,台湾损失惨重

    09-08-11 Hundreds of people are feared dead in Taiwan after Typhoon Morakot triggered a mudslide that buried an entire village on the south-west coast. 台风莫拉克过后,台湾西南海岸发生泥石流,整个村庄被淹没,数百人生活在恐惧之中。 Officials said about 600-80...

  • Taliban head Mehsud 'may be dead' 塔利班领导Mehsud“可能已死

    09-08-07 US and Pakistani officials have said they are checking reports that the leader of the Taliban in Pakistan, Baitullah Mehsud, has been killed. 美国和巴基斯坦官员称,他们正在检查巴基斯坦塔利班领导Baitullah Mehsud已经被杀的消息。 Baitullah Mehsud has a...

  • Three shot dead by US gym gunman 美国一男子体育馆射杀三人

    09-08-05 A man has killed at least three people at a gymnasium in the US state of Pennsylvania, before shooting himself. 宾夕法尼亚一人在体育馆射杀至少三人,随后自杀。 Another 10 people were injured by gunfire in the town of Bridgeville near Pittsburgh, afte...