• 打字风格与情绪

    14-10-21 A computer programme has been used to predict how people are feeling when they type. 一款计算机程序可以预测出人们打字时的情绪。 In a study participants were asked to type a particular phrase and the programme then estimated if they were happy, sad a...

  • 量子运算的离奇之处

    14-06-16 A form of quantum weirdness is a key ingredient for building quantum computers according to new research from a team at the University of Waterloo's Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC). In a new study published in the journal Nature, researchers h...

  • 天文学家创造首个虚拟宇宙

    14-05-08 Move over, Matrix -- astronomers have done you one better. They have created the first realistic virtual universe using a computer simulation called Illustris. Illustris can recreate 13 billion years of cosmic evolution in a cube 350 million light-y...

  • 粘液菌可用于制作电脑逻辑单元

    14-03-31 A future computer might be a lot slimier than the solid silicon devices we have today. In a study published in the journal Materials Today, European researchers reveal details of logic units built using living slime molds, which might act as the bui...

  • 计算机并行编程可能不会让人望而生畏

    14-03-26 Computer chips have stopped getting faster: The regular performance improvements we've come to expect are now the result of chipmakers' adding more cores, or processing units, to their chips, rather than increasing their clock speed. In theory, doub...

  • 计算机程序能鉴别疼痛表情的真假

    14-03-25 A joint study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego and the University of Toronto has found that a computer system spots real or faked expressions of pain more accurately than people can. The work, titled Automatic Decoding of De...

  • 美国安全局正研发量子计算机

    14-01-10 The US National Security Agency is building a quantum computer to break the encryption that keeps messages secure, reports the Washington Post. 据《华盛顿邮报》报道,美国国家安全局正在研发一款用于破解加密信息的量子计算机。 The NSA project came to li...

  • 关于苹果的11件事

    13-12-30 The company behind the ubiquitous iPhone and iPad is famously secretive, but there a few little known facts about the California-based company. 如今iPhone和iPad已随处可见,但苹果公司却一直裹在神秘的面纱里。尽管如此,关于这家总部位于加利福尼亚州的高...

  • 科学家研发实用性3D图像技术

    13-11-20 UT Dallas computer scientists have developed a technique to create 3-D images that finds practical applications of a theory created by a famous mathematician. This technique uses anisotropic(各向异性的) triangles -- triangles with sides that vary...

  • 霍金:大脑可以被复制到电脑上

    13-09-29 本周四,斯蒂芬霍金在有关其生平的纪录片电影首映式上表示,大脑就像是计算机里的一个程序,因此从理论上来说,大脑可以被复制到电脑上,人死后,大脑可以在电脑里以另一种形态存活。不过,他同时也指出,这一设想远远超出了目前的技术水平,他还认为传统意义上的死后...