• 充分控制量子计算机的构建模块

    10-12-24 Scientists from the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience at Delft University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands have succeeded in controlling the building blocks of a future super-fast quantum(量子) computer. They ar...

  • 利用计算机程序寻找匹配肾源

    10-12-15 A man in St. Louis and a woman in New Hampshire have received the first kidney transplants made possible through a new national program of the Organ Procurement(采购,获得) and Transplantation Network (OPTN) that uses a Carnegie Mellon University...

  • 物理学家发现超灵敏微波检测器

    10-12-09 Physicists from Rice University and Princeton University have discovered how to use one of the information technology industry's mainstay materials -- gallium arsenide(砷化镓) semiconductors -- as an ultrasensitive(超灵敏的) microwave detector t...

  • pretend-to-be-busy tribe 装忙族

    10-11-02 不说了,我忒忙,这是电影《夜店》里高警官的口头禅,身边,更多的白领们也将这句话挂在嘴边,不管是真忙还是假忙,彼此一见面,开口就叹最近特别忙。由此便催生了这样一个新的群族装忙族。 They are invariably white-collar workers. Instead of hello, they greet e...

  • 中国研制出世界最强超级计算机

    10-10-29 China has claimed the top spot on the list of the world's supercomputers. 中国宣称登顶世界超级计算机之排行榜。 The Tianhe-1A supercomputer is about 50% faster than its closest rival. The title has gone to China's Tianhe-1A supercomputer that is capa...

  • Organization Plan of the Future

    10-10-29 The exec(执行,主任参谋) was making a presentation to the company board: Computers have allowed us to cut costs, he explained. We expect even more dramatic improvements as computers become increasingly self-sufficient. He unveiled(公开,揭幕) a...

  • 如何利用卫星测量星体重量

    10-10-18 How do astronomers weigh a star that's trillions of miles away and way too big to fit on a bathroom scale(体重秤) ? In most cases they can't, although they can get a best estimate using computer models of stellar structure. New work by astrophysic...

  • 社交网络帐户“终结器”问世

    10-10-16 If your online life is taking over your real life, it could be time to erase yourself from the internet. 如果你沉溺于网络生活,而忽略了现实世界,那你真该在互联网隐退了。 A Dutch company has made a programme which can destroy all posts and personal i...

  • 宅男/宅女

    10-10-11 最近看娱乐综艺节目的时候,我们总是能听到那些主持人问某个艺人你是宅男/女吗?这样的问题。好像户外这个群族似乎有点淡出人们的视线了,宅正在成为年轻人们追捧的一种生活方式。那么,今天咱们就来说说这个话题吧。 Indoorsman refers to a person who spends consid...

  • 职业女性需警惕患上“电脑脸”

    10-10-04 A growing number of women are developing something called 'computer face', a leading cosmetic surgeon said. 一位权威整容外科医生指出,越来越多的女性正在患上一种被称作电脑脸的症状。 Dr Michael Prager said professionals who worked long hours in front...