• 长沙成为中国创新的中心

    18-08-03 Changsha, the capital of Hunan Province, is on the frontline of Chinese innovation. 湖南省省会长沙已经站在中国创新前线。 Hi-tech industries related to the Internet and biological medicine have consistently enjoyed 20 percent growth rates in the past...

  • E-thrombosis 电子血栓症

    18-05-05 E-thrombosis refers to the formation of blood clots caused by sitting at a computer for prolonged periods. 电子血栓症指的是由于长时间坐在电脑前面而导致形成血栓。 Spending all day at your desk and most of the evening in front of a computer could kill...

  • 研究发现:想致富 靠运气

    18-03-17 If youre wondering why your peers seem to be prospering way more than you are, it might not be because theyre better at their jobs: its probably just down to random chance, according to a new computer model of wealth simulation. 如果你奇怪你的同龄人...

  • 北京将建造人工智能科技园

    18-01-03 A technology park dedicated to developing artificial intelligence will be built in Beijing in five years, authorities said. 未来五年,北京将建造一座专注人工智能的科技园。 The park will be situated in suburban Mentougou district in western Beijing, c...

  • computer rage 电脑狂暴症

    17-09-26 Computer rage is physical or verbal abuse towards a computer or computer-related accessory due to heightened anger or frustration. 电脑狂暴症是指由于极度愤怒或沮丧,所引发的对电脑或配件的拳打脚踢或言语羞辱。 Examples of computer rage include cursing...

  • 科学家们研发出电脑“法官”

    16-11-04 A computer judge has been developed which can correctly predict verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights with 79 percent accuracy. 科学家们研发出一台电脑法官,它可以正确预测欧洲人权法庭的判决结果,准确率达79%。 Computer scientists at Universit...

  • 不良的办公环境也会让你加速衰老

    16-11-04 Answering the phones Your phone can accumulate a lot of bacteria. When you place the phone on your skin to make a call, your skin is not only in direct contact with the bacteria, but it also starts to perspire and even trap oil in the pores. Worst y...

  • 大学课程名称 3

    16-08-03 国民经济管理学 Management of National Economy 国民经济核算 National Economic Accounting 国外统计资料分析 Analysis of Foreign Statistical Data 国有资产管理 State-owned Property Management 航空概论 Introduction to Aviation 合资企业会计 Accounting for...

  • 教室常用词

    16-02-04 clock 钟 window 窗户 door 门 desk 桌子 flag 旗子 bookshelf 书架 pencil box 铅笔盒 pencil 铅笔 magnets 磁铁 white board 白板 notebook 笔记本 eraser 橡皮 ruler 尺 marker 马克笔 computer 计算机 textbooks 教科书 blackboard 黑板 chalk 粉笔 blackboard era...

  • 中国科学家发明类人脑芯片

    15-12-30 The human brain is the world's most sophisticated computer, but a group of Chinese scientists have developed a computer chip that works much like the brain. 人脑是世界上最复杂的电脑,一组中国科学家发明的电脑芯片与人脑的工作方式很像。 Jointly develop...