• Computer-induced agraphia 电脑失写症

    12-09-18 Computer-induced agraphia is a newly emerging illness among people who use computers all the time. Its symptom is the partial loss of the ability to write correct Chinese characters with pen and paper. Unlike usual agraphia, a disorder marked by los...

  • 计算机唇语识别程序处于研发阶段

    12-09-11 A computer is being taught to interpret human emotions based on lip pattern, according to research published in the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing. The system could improve the way we interact with computers and...

  • 电脑智能化融入博客圈

    12-09-07 Can a computer read an online blog and understand it? Several Concordia computer scientists are helping to get closer to that goal. Leila Kosseim, associate professor in Concordia's Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, and a recently-graduat...

  • 苹果成世界最具价值公司

    12-08-21 Apple is now the most valuable company of all time, with a market value of approximately $623bn. 苹果公司成为有史以来最具价值的公司,市值大约6230亿美元。 The consumer gadget and computer maker has now surpassed Microsoft's record of $620.58bn set in...

  • 我总能选择

    12-08-14 I believe that I always have a choice. No matter what I'm doing. No matter where I am. No matter what is happening to me. I always have a choice. Today I am sitting at my computer, speaking these words through a microphone. Although I have spent my...

  • 新技术可利用桌面植物控制电脑

    12-08-07 A yucca(丝兰) plant might make your office desk look nice, but with a new technology developed at Disney Research, Pittsburgh, that little shrub could possibly control your computer. And the jade plant nearby? Put your hand close to it and your iP...

  • 美国公务员工作期间将禁看奥运比赛

    12-08-04 L.A.'s chief technology officer sends email imploring city workers to stop watching the Olympics online, fearing it could trigger a massive computer crash. 洛杉矶首席技术官给该市的公务员们发邮件,请求他们不要在上班期间在线观看奥运比赛,担心这会引发...

  • CO2吸附材料正在研制中

    12-06-13 A novel porous(多孔渗水的) material that has unique carbon dioxide retention(保留) properties has been developed through research led by The University of Nottingham. The findings, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Materials, form pa...

  • 卡巴斯基发现最复杂电脑病毒“火焰”

    12-06-02 俄罗斯电脑安全公司卡巴斯基实验室近日宣布,他们发现了目前为止世界上最复杂的一种电脑病毒火焰,它能收集数据、远程更改电脑设置、打开电脑麦克风并收录电脑周边的谈话,还能截屏并复制即时通讯工具聊天内容。 Kaspersky Labs said the program appeared to have bee...

  • 美军正在研制“读心头盔”

    12-04-14 The US Army is dedicating millions of research dollars into discovering building helmets to allow soldiers to telepathically communicate with one another on the battlefield. 美军正投入数百万美元研究经费,研制读心头盔,使士兵在战场上可以通过心灵感应...