• 研究显示现代人类与尼安德特人曾长期共存

    20-11-17 一项新的研究显示,现代人类到达欧洲并把尼安德特人逐渐推到灭绝边缘的时间比之前认为得更早。对保加利亚北部一处洞穴遗迹进行的一系列测试表明,早在4.6万年前那里就有智人存在。 Modern humans are prime suspects in the extinction of the Neanderthals - the anci...

  • 普通人可以采纳的减碳方法

    20-11-17 一份报告称,气候变化问题尚可应对,但前提是人们愿意接受生活方式上的重大改变。报告的作者们列出了一系列减少碳足迹的最佳方法。 The studys authors say governments are mainly focused on economic growth when their primary responsibility should be ensuring...

  • 过去25年中大堡礁珊瑚数量下降超50%

    20-11-17 一项研究发现,自 1995 年以来,由于气候变化导致海水变暖,澳大利亚大堡礁珊瑚数量下降了一半以上。 There is no time to lose. Thats the stark warning from Australian researchers about the health of the worlds largest reef system. 情况紧迫,时不我待。这是...

  • 1995年以来大堡礁的珊瑚损失一半以上

    20-10-20 Australias Great Barrier Reef has lost more than half of its corals since 1995 due to warmer seas driven by climate change, a study has found. 研究发现,自1995年以来,由于气候变化导致海洋变暖,澳大利亚大堡礁的珊瑚损失了一半以上。 Scientists found al...

  • 变暖的地球

    20-10-11 We are all aware of climate change and how it is threatening our planet. Industrialisation, our disposable culture and population growth are some of the reasons why we are seeing average temperatures rise and more extreme weather events. And scienti...

  • 气候变化对体育运动的影响

    20-09-19 For sports fans, theres nothing better than watching a live event on TV or at a sports venue. But theres nothing worse than that event being called off because of bad weather. Bad light, a waterlogged pitch or excessive heat can cause matches to be...

  • 《牛津词典》2019年度词汇:气候紧急状态

    19-11-26 Oxford Dictionaries has declared climate emergency the word of the year for 2019, following a hundred-fold increase in usage that it says demonstrated a greater immediacy in the way we talk about the climate. 近日,《牛津词典》公布了2019年度词汇气候...

  • 冰岛为奥克冰川的消逝举行纪念仪式

    19-08-20 Iceland on Sunday honors the passing of Okjokull, as scientists warn that some 400 others on the subarctic island risk the same fate. 上周日,冰岛为奥克冰川的消逝举行纪念仪式。科学家警告说,冰岛还有大约400座冰川面临相同的命运。 With a theme of fight...

  • 世界气象组织荣誉日周六在北京举行

    19-05-13 World Meteorological Organization (WMO) honor day kicked off at the ongoing International Horticultural Exhibition in Beijing Saturday. 世界气象组织荣誉日周六在北京世界园艺博览会上举行。 Zhang Wenjian, assistant secretary-general of the WMO, said a...

  • 全世界100万个物种因人类遭受灭绝威胁

    19-05-08 One million of the planets eight million species are threatened with extinction by humans, scientists warned Monday in what is described as the most comprehensive assessment of global nature loss ever. 科学家们本周一(5月6日)发布了迄今为止最全面的...