• 气候变化使海浪更强力

    19-01-17 The ocean waves are getting stronger as a result of climate change, which might pose dangers for coastal communities in the future, according to a latest study published in the scientific journal Nature. 科技期刊《自然》上发表的最新研究显示,海浪因...

  • 气候变暖导致白毛动物数量下降

    18-05-29 White-furred animals are in danger of dying out because climate change is causing a fall in snow cover, leaving them exposed and vulnerable, a new study suggests. 一项新研究指出,白毛动物正面临灭绝的危险,因为气候变化导致冰雪覆盖范围减少,从而让白毛...

  • 温暖的气候可能造成更多的耐药性感染

    18-05-22 A persons chances of acquiring a drug-resistant infection may be higher if she lives in a warmer area. A study appearing today in Nature Climate Change from researchers at the University of Toronto (U.T.) and Childrens Hospital Boston links the emer...

  • 中国挪威将加强对北极研究的合作

    18-04-20 Officials and scholars from China and Norway vowed to enhance their cooperation on the study of the Arctic in order to better respond to climate change. 来自中国和挪威的官员与学者承诺要加强双方对北极研究的合作以更好地应对气候变化。 The Nansen-Zhu In...

  • 琼州海峡轮渡服务周一恢复正常

    18-02-26 The emergency response has ended as ferry services on the Qiongzhou Strait in south Chinas Hainan Province returned to normal Monday, according to local authorities. 海南省政府表示,琼州海峡轮渡服务周一恢复正常,应急响应宣告结束。 Rare heavy fog tha...

  • 特朗普:美国可能重新加入巴黎气候协议

    18-01-11 U.S. President Donald Trump said Wednesday that Washington could conceivably re-enter into the Paris climate agreement. 美国总统特朗普周三表示美国很可能重新加入巴黎气候协议。 His comments came from a joint press conference with Norwegian Prime Minis...

  • 气候变化迫使灰熊以浆果为主食

    17-09-14 Grizzly bears have stopped eating salmon in favour of elderberries after being forced to make a choice due to climate change. Warming temperatures meant that the berries are ripening earlier than usual, at exactly the same time as the freshwater str...

  • 2040年法国将禁售汽油柴油车

    17-07-16 France is set to ban the sale of any car that uses petrol or diesel fuel by 2040, in what the ecology minister called a revolution. 法国将于2040年之前禁止任何汽油或柴油汽车的销售,此举被环境部长称为一次革命。 Nicolas Hulot announced the planned ban...

  • 中国与欧盟将在气候变化领域加强合作

    17-06-01 The EU and China are set to pledge deeper cooperation on the Paris climate agreement and to promote clean energy technologies, according to a draft leaders statement for their summit on Thursday and Friday. 中国与欧盟将在巴黎气候协议以及推动清洁能源...

  • 加州州长将参加清洁能源会议

    17-05-13 California Gov. Jerry Brown will travel to China to discuss clean energy policy with international leaders next month, his office announced Friday. 加州州长办公室周五宣布,州长杰瑞布朗将于下月访问中国,与国际领导人探讨清洁能源政策。 Hell attend an i...