• 智利火山链爆发 数千居民撤离

    11-06-05 A chain of volcanoes has erupted in southern Chile, forcing the evacuation of thousands of residents. 智利南部地区一连串火山爆发,当地数千居民被迫撤离。 The Puyehue-Cordon-Caulle volcano range was last active in 1960 Large columns of smoke have been...

  • 智力法官下令调查诗人聂鲁达之死

    11-06-03 A judge in Chile has ordered an investigation into the death, in 1973, of the Nobel prize-winning poet, Pablo Neruda, following allegations he may have been poisoned. 一位智利法官要求对1973年诺贝尔获奖诗人巴勃罗聂鲁达之死展开调查,有消息称他是被毒死...

  • 智利举行地震纪念仪式

    11-02-28 Chileans have been marking the anniversary of last year's earthquake, which killed more than 500 people and left hundreds of thousands homeless. 智利正在举行去年大地震的纪念仪式,此次地震造成500多人死亡、成千上万人流离失所。 Commemorations(纪念,庆...

  • 智利矿工完成纽约马拉松赛

    10-11-08 Edison Pena, the Chilean miner who famously jogged underground while awaiting rescue, has completed the New York City Marathon. 爱迪生佩尼亚等待救援时在矿井中慢跑的智利矿工完成了纽约马拉松赛。 Edison Pena was nicknamed The Runner by his fellow miner...

  • 三名智利矿工安全出院

    10-10-15 Three of the 33 men rescued after 69 days trapped in the San Jose mine in Chile have been discharged from hospital and allowed to go home. 智利33名被困69天的矿工之中的三名已被同意出院并允许回家。 Reporters were waiting for miner Carlos Mamani (C) at...

  • 智利被困矿工需减肥以便于救援

    10-08-28 位于智利北部阿塔卡马沙漠的圣何塞铜矿8月5日发生塌方,33名井下作业人员被困在地面以下近700米(2300英尺)处,救援难度极大。救援人员必须用特殊的钻机穿透深达688米的坚硬岩层,开凿一个新井直达矿工们被困的空间,才能救出他们。 The 33 miners trapped undergroun...

  • 智利举行守夜仪式纪念地震亡者

    10-03-28 Chilean President Sebastian Pinera has attended a vigil to commemorate exactly one month since a massive earthquake struck the south of the country. 智利总统塞巴斯蒂安皮涅拉参加了为纪念一个月前在地震中不幸丧生的人而举行的守夜仪式。 President Pinera...

  • 智利总统宣誓就职之时遭遇余震

    10-03-12 Sebastian Pinera has been sworn in as president of Chile, minutes after it was hit by the largest aftershock since last month's devastating earthquake. 塞巴斯蒂安皮涅拉宣誓就职智利总统几分钟之后,智利即遭受自上月大地震之后规模最大的一次余震。 The 6....

  • 塞巴斯蒂安·皮涅拉将宣誓就职智利新总统

    10-03-11 Chilean tycoon Sebastian Pinera is due to be sworn in as president of the country, which was recently devastated by a massive earthquake and tsunami. 商业大亨塞巴斯蒂安皮涅拉将宣誓就任智利新总统,智利最近遭受到大地震和海啸的双重打击。 Sebastian Pine...

  • 研究:智利地震使南美城市移动了多远

    10-03-10 The massive magnitude(震级,大小) 8.8 earthquake that struck the west coast of Chile last month moved the entire city of Concepcion at least 10 feet to the west, and shifted other parts of South America as far apart as the Falkland Islands and For...