• 智利发现美洲最古老的足印

    19-04-28 Scientists in Chile say they have found a footprint dating from at least 15,600 years ago, making it the earliest such sign of mans presence in the Americas. 智利科学家发现一个至少有15600年历史的足印,成为美洲最早的人类存在印记。 The footprint was f...

  • RMB qualified foreign institutional investor 人民币合格境外

    15-06-29 China agreed to grant a quota of 50 billion yuan ($8.1 billion) to RMB qualified foreign institutional investors in Chile, according to a joint declaration. 中国与智利的联合声明指出,中方同意给予智方500亿元人民币合格境外机构投资者额度。 人民币合格境...

  • 智利洪灾造成17人死亡

    15-03-31 The death toll from recent heavy rains, flooding and mudslides in northern Chile has climbed to 17, while 20 people remain missing, the Interior Ministry's National Emergency Office (ONEMI) said Monday. 智利内务部国家紧急事务处周一宣称,近期暴雨、洪...

  • 世界最大望远镜将落座智利

    14-06-20 The top of a 3,000m-high mountain in Chile has been blown up to make way for the world's largest optical and infrared telescope. 智利一座海拔3000米的高山的山顶被炸平,用来建造世界上最大的光学以及红外望远镜。 The aptly named Extremely Large Telescope...

  • 世界杯球队大巴车身标语

    14-05-28 Brazil 巴西 Brace yourselves! The 6th is coming! 准备好!第六个奖杯来啦! Croatia 克罗地亚 With fire in our hearts, for Croatia all as one! 心中烈焰,克罗地亚团结如一! Mexico 墨西哥 Always united, always Aztecas 永远团结,永远的阿兹台克 Cameroon 喀...

  • 智利发布海啸预警

    14-04-02 A quake of 8.2 magnitude has struck off northern Chile, triggering a tsunami alert and killing at least five people. 一场8.2级地震横扫智利北部地区,造成至少5人死亡并触发了海啸预警。 The US Geological Survey said the quake struck at 20:46 local time...

  • 智利宣布三处地区为地震灾区

    14-04-02 Chile has declared three northern regions hit by a 8.2 magnitude earthquake to be disaster areas. 智利宣布北部三处遭8.2级地震袭击的区域为灾区。 At least five people are known to have died and tens of thousands of people have been evacuated. The quak...

  • 米歇尔·巴奇莱特宣誓担任智利总统

    14-03-12 Michelle Bachelet, 62, has been sworn in as the president of Chile, her second time in office. 62岁的米歇尔巴奇莱特宣誓担任智利总统,这是她第二次掌权。 Michelle Bachelet received the presidential sash from Senate President Isabel Allende The sociali...

  • 智利藤壶的生长对温度非常敏感

    14-02-24 Here are two facts that make the lowly barnacle(藤壶) important: They are popular models for ecology research, and they are very sensitive to temperature. Given that, the authors of a new study about a bellwether(前导) community of two barnacle...

  • 南美德科帕韦火山爆发在即

    13-05-28 Chile and Argentina have ordered the evacuation of some 3,000 people living near the Copahue volcano in the south of their shared border. 智利与阿根廷下令疏散在德科帕韦火山附近生活的大约3000名居民。 Residents living near Copahue were also evacuated...