• 骨髓细胞对慢性缺血性心力衰竭疗效不大

    12-03-28 Use of a patient's bone marrow cells for treating chronic ischemic(缺血性的) heart failure did not result in improvement on most measures of heart function, according to a study appearing in JAMA. The study is being published early online to coinc...

  • 新方法展现蛋白质结构

    12-03-20 A new method to reveal the structure of proteins could help researchers understand biological molecules -- both those involved in causing disease and those performing critical functions in healthy cells. For roughly a decade, a technique called soli...

  • 解开生物网络的复杂性

    12-03-07 A new approach to disentangling(解决,松开) the complexities of biological networks, such as the way in which proteins interact in our body's cells has been developed by researchers in China. The team's algorithm(算法) could allow biologists and...

  • 变形虫可能对光合作用的演化起关键作用

    12-02-28 The major difference between plant and animal cells is the photosynthetic(光合作用的) process, which converts light energy into chemical energy. When light isn't available, energy is generated by breaking down carbohydrates(碳水化物) and sugars,...

  • 骨髓干细胞可“适度”治疗心脏病

    12-02-15 Bone marrow stem cell therapy offers moderate improvement to heart attack patients, according to a large UK review of clinical trials. 英国一项临床实验显示,骨髓干细胞疗法对心脏病患者有适度的治疗效果。 The analysis by the Cochrane Collaboration look...

  • 干细胞移植使老鼠的神经功能改善

    12-02-13 In a new study presented at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine's annual meeting, The Pregnancy Meeting , in Dallas, Texas, researchers have reported that early transplantation of human placenta-derived mesenchymal(间叶细胞的) stem cells into...

  • 新方法生成人体组织工程载体支架

    12-02-13 Researchers at Northwestern University have developed a new method for creating scaffolds(支架) for tissue engineering applications, providing an alternative that is more flexible and less time-intensive than current technology. A paper describing...

  • 科学家解开中药治疗疟疾之谜

    12-02-13 For roughly two thousand years, Chinese herbalists have treated Malaria using a root extract, commonly known as Chang Shan, from a type of hydrangea(绣球花) that grows in Tibet and Nepal. More recent studies suggest that halofuginone(卤夫酮) , a...

  • 血细胞再生研究获进展

    12-02-01 A study of the cells that respond to crises in the blood system has yielded a few surprises, redrawing the 'map' of how blood cells are made in the body. The finding, by researchers from the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, could have wide-ranging i...

  • OHSU新研究可改善雷特综合症疗法

    12-01-30 Researchers at Oregon Health Science University have discovered that a molecule critical to the development and plasticity(可塑性) of nerve cells - brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) - is severely lacking in brainstem neurons in mutations le...