• 猫与人能感染同类型的癫痫病

    13-02-03 There is something sinister(阴险的) about epilepsy: the disease affects the very core of our being, our brain. Epileptic attacks can lead to seizures throughout the body or in parts of it. Clouding of consciousness or memory lapses are also possib...

  • 细胞内部的温度分布情况

    13-02-03 A research team in Japan exploring the functions of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) -- a molecule that encodes the chemical blueprint for protein synthesis -- has discovered a way to take a close look at the temperature distribution inside living...

  • Cells and Temperature

    12-12-20 Cells cannot remain alive outside certain limits of temperature and much narrower limits mark the boundaries of effective functioning. Enzyme systems of mammals and birds are most efficient only within a narrow range around 37C; a departure of a few...

  • 免疫能力不受年龄影响

    12-12-17 Our immune system does not shut down with age, says a new study led by McMaster University researchers. A study published in PLOS Pathogens today shows a specialized class of immune cells, known as T cells, can respond to virus infections in an olde...

  • 细胞内脂肪具有抗菌性

    12-11-14 UC Irvine biologists have discovered that fats within cells store a class of proteins with potent antibacterial activity, revealing a previously unknown type of immune system response that targets and kills bacterial infections. Steven Gross, UCI pr...

  • 追踪患者体内的肿瘤细胞

    12-11-13 Tumor cells circulating in a patient's bloodstream can yield a great deal of information on how a tumor is responding to treatment and what drugs might be more effective against it. But first, these rare cells have to be captured and isolated from t...

  • 地下鼠类如何对付癌症

    12-11-06 Biologists at the University of Rochester have determined how blind mole rats fight off cancer -- and the mechanism differs from what they discovered three years ago in another long-lived and cancer-resistant mole rat species, the naked mole rat. Th...

  • 干细胞可治疗马肌腱损伤

    12-11-02 Tendon(腱) injuries affect athletic horses at all levels. Researchers from the University of Connecticut are studying the use of stem cells in treating equine(马的) tendon injuries. Their findings were published Oct. 16 in the Journal of Animal...

  • 恐龙体内储存有蛋白质

    12-10-24 A team of researchers from North Carolina State University and the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) has found more evidence for the preservation of ancient dinosaur proteins, including reactivity to antibodies that target specific proteins normally...

  • 英诺贝尔奖得主曾是“后进生”

    12-10-13 英国2012年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获奖科学家约翰格登表示,15岁时,他的生物课成绩在250名同年龄的男生班中排最后一名,在其他科学类学科中成绩也都垫底。老师对他的评价是在大学搞科学纯粹是浪费时间。 A British scientist whose schoolmasters told him he was too s...