• 单性生殖在蛇类中可能很常见

    16-01-06 A new review provides intriguing insights on parthenogenesis, or virgin birth, in snakes. Interestingly, facultative parthenogenesis, or asexual reproduction in an otherwise sexually reproducing species, appears to be quite common among snakes and m...

  • 章子怡产下一名女婴

    15-12-28 Chinese actress Zhang Ziyi has announced on her Weibo account that she has given birth to a baby girl. 中国女演员章子怡在微博上宣布产下一名女婴。 Zhang didn't reveal the exact time of her delivery. Zhang posted a picture of the baby's hand on Weibo...

  • crowd-birthing 分娩围观

    15-08-20 The younger generation are used to sharing every aspect of their lives, so why not birth? Many women feel it is their biggest achievement and so want to share the moment with all of those closest to them. 年轻一代习惯分享他们生活的方方面面,所以,生...

  • 陪产妇分娩的人似乎越来越多

    15-07-31 Once, no man would have dreamed of being present in the room as his wife was giving birth. 曾经,男人们不敢奢望可以出现在妻子分娩的产房。 Then opinions changed and the father was expected to be there to share in all the pain and joy. But now it seem...

  • 移民留学相关法律词汇 1

    14-12-16 about adv.. 关于 absence from U.K 离开英国 academic a.专科院校的。研究院的;学术的 academic student 专科院校学生 achievement n. 成就 address n.地址,住址 address for service(令状,传票的)送达地址 addresee n.收件人;收信人 addressor n.发件人;发信人 adj...

  • 健康的妈妈生下的孩子体型差别不大

    14-07-08 Babies' growth in the womb and their size at birth, especially their length, are strikingly similar the world over -- when babies are born to healthy, well-educated and well-nourished mothers. That's the finding of a landmark international study, IN...

  • 美考古学家发现某爬行动物出生时的化石

    14-02-14 An ichthyosaur(鱼龙) fossil may show the earliest live birth from an ancient Mesozoic marine reptile, according to a study published February 12, 2014 in PLOS ONE by Ryosuke Motani from the University of California, Davis, and colleagues. Ichthyos...

  • 雌性鲨鱼会回到出生地产卵

    13-12-06 Research conducted in Bimini in The Bahamas spanning(横跨) almost two decades shows that female lemon sharks that were born there returned 15 years later to give birth to their own young, confirming this behavior for the first time in sharks. The...

  • 考古展现迦叶佛的早期生活情况

    13-11-26 Archaeologists(考古学家) working in Nepal have uncovered evidence of a structure at the birthplace of the Buddha dating to the sixth century B.C. This is the first archaeological material linking the life of the Buddha -- and thus the first flower...

  • 凯特王妃已入院待产

    13-07-22 The Duchess of Cambridge has been admitted to hospital and is in the early stages of labour, Kensington Palace has said. 肯辛顿宫宣布,剑桥公爵夫人已经住院,她现在处于妊娠初期。 The duchess's due date had never been officially announced She travelle...