• 2018山东出生率大幅度下降

    19-03-04 Shandong, the eastern Chinese province known for its high birth rate, reported a substantial drop in its new births and birth rates last year, local authorities have said. 以高生育率著名的山东省2018年新出生人口和出生率大幅度下降。 The Shandong Burea...

  • 出生顺序影响职业道路

    18-08-12 For many years, studies have shown that birth order affects personality, but new research confirms that whether youre an older, middle or younger child bears an impact on career path too. 多年研究显示,出生顺序影响性格,但最新研究得出结论称,出生顺...

  • 广州启用电子出生证明

    18-06-07 In a first for China, on Tuesday the city of Guangzhou in Guangdong Province started issuing official electronic copies of birth certificates via WeChat, reports Science and Technology Daily. 《科技日报》报道,本周二开始,广州开始使用微信签发出生证...

  • 2018第一对熊猫双胞胎出生

    18-05-30 A captive-bred giant panda gave birth to the first twin cubs of the year in Chengdu. 成都一只人工圈养的大熊猫剩下今年第一对双胞胎幼仔。 The female twins, weighing 149.9 grams and 110.7 grams, respectively, were born on May 23 at Chengdu Research Bas...

  • 习近平将参加马克思诞辰纪念会

    18-05-03 President Xi Jinping will attend a conference to mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, scheduled to be held on Friday morning. 习近平主席将于本周五上午参加卡尔马克思诞辰200周年纪念会。 Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Part...

  • 西班牙任命首位“房事部长”挽救出生率下降

    17-03-10 Spain has appointed its first Minister of Sex whose job will be to get people busy between the sheets. 西班牙任命首位房事部长,其职责就是让人们多多滚床单。 The government hopes to boost Spains falling birth rate, which is one of the lowest in the de...

  • The Ghost of Queen Anne Boleyn

    16-05-11 The ghost of Queen Anne Boleyn is quite a unique phenomenon in the world of the paranormal. Unlike most ghost who haunt a certain locality, Queen Anne Boleyns ghost is said to haunt a number of different locations through out the UK. Her spirit seem...

  • 出生顺序在孩子的成长中起重要作用

    16-04-18 Numerous studies have shown that birth order plays an important part in development. How much influence it has is a point of contention among experts, but regardless, there is something to be said about being the oldest one of the bunch. 许多研究都...

  • birth registration service system 生育登记服务制度

    16-03-16 The new birth registration service system is regarded as a significant change in China's family planning policy after the abolition of the one-child policy that had lasted for more than three decades in China. 新的生育登记服务制度被认为是取消实施了3...

  • birth time schedule 生育时间表

    16-03-16 Some companies have formulated a birth time schedule that stipulates employees should report to their employers one year prior to a planned second child. 一些公司制定了生育时间表,计划生二孩的员工应提前一年向公司报告。 生育时间表(birth time schedul...