• 英国将发起狄更斯诞辰200周年纪念活动

    12-02-07 The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall will lead global celebrations marking the 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens's birth later. 威尔士亲王与康沃尔公爵夫人将引领一场全球范围的纪念查尔斯狄更斯诞辰200周年的庆祝活动。 Dickens was born in P...

  • birth tourism 生育旅游

    11-12-27 Thanks to the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, children born on US soil automatically become US citizens, regardless of where their parents hail from. Hence the phenomenon of US birth tourism , which appears to be a growing trend. 美国《...

  • 两胎间相隔两年生的孩子聪明

    11-12-03 Forget expensive educational DVDs and private tutors, the secret to smart children could be as simple as giving birth to them two years apart. 忘了昂贵的教学光碟和家教吧,想让孩子聪明,秘诀很简单,就是第一胎和第二胎的出生相隔两年。 Researchers who s...

  • 孕妇头胎不宜在家生产

    11-11-27 A home birth carries a higher risk for the babies of first-time mothers, according to a landmark study published in the British Medical Journal. 英国医学期刊的一项里程碑式研究显示,准母亲头胎在家生产对婴儿有较高的风险。 However, the chance of harm t...

  • 空气污染可能使婴儿早产

    11-10-09 A Californian-based study has looked in detail at air quality and the impact of traffic-related air pollution on premature birth. Published in BioMed Central's open access journal Environmental Health, results from this study show that traffic-relat...

  • 早产婴儿易夭折

    11-09-21 In a study that included more than 600,000 individuals born in Sweden between 1973-1979, those born preterm (less than 37 weeks gestation酝酿,怀孕 ) had a higher risk of death during early childhood and young adulthood than persons born at term, ac...

  • “人口普查”词汇

    11-08-31 nationwide population census 全国人口普查 sex ratio 性比率 sampling survey 抽样调查 random sampling 随机抽样 questionaire 调查表 place of birth 出生地 date of birth 出生日期 sampling error 抽样误差 migration 迁居 emigration 迁出、移居国外 immigratio...

  • 英国禁止剖腹产以解决资金

    11-08-27 Cash-strapped hospitals are banning hundreds of women from having a caesarean birth, it emerged today. 有消息称,由于医院资金紧张,英国成百上千位孕妇被禁止剖腹产子。 A number of NHS trusts have said they will only give the go-ahead for a c-section i...

  • 贝克汉姆喜得千金

    11-07-17 David Beckham's wife Victoria has given birth to her fourth child, a baby girl. 大卫贝克汉姆的妻子维多利亚日前诞下一女,这是他们的第四个孩子。 The birth took place by Caesarean at Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles. The baby weighed 7lbs 10oz and...

  • 孕妇吸烟易导致婴儿手足畸形

    11-07-12 Missing or deformed(畸形的,残缺的) limbs, clubfoot(畸形足) , facial disorders and gastrointestinal(胃肠的) problems are some of the most common birth defects found to be associated with smoking during pregnancy, according to a major new repor...