• 宠物专属习语 上

    22-03-22 1. catnap 本来nap就尤指日间的打盹,小睡,像小猫一样打个小盹,指睡的时间更短吧。 He had cultivated the ability to catnap at odd moments during a day. 他磨练了一副能够在随便什么时候打个盹儿的本领。 2. have kittens 小猫多可爱啊,可是在中世纪(Middle Ag...

  • 一些礼貌的英语表达 下

    22-03-11 5. 性不说sex 当父母向小孩子进行性启蒙教育的时候,常常会用到the birds and the bees来指代性的基本知识。 大家都知道,蜜蜂(bees)携带花粉使花朵受精,这可以理解成雄性受精。鸟类(birds)产蛋,这可以比喻为女性排卵。 Shes only six, but she already knows ab...

  • Being A Mother

    22-03-09 Thanks to all who sent in their amusing, embarrassing stories this past week! Being a Mother by Bonnie A. Adkins from Memphis, Tennessee Being a single mother, I wanted to do everything perfectly when it came to raising my son. One day, he came to m...

  • 英国东岸鸟类大批死亡之谜

    21-10-28 Every new tide brings with it further evidence that our seabirds are suffering. Dead gannets, guillemots and razorbills are being found on beaches from northern Scotland down to The Wash [UK]. 每一次潮起潮落都会让更多证据浮出水面,证明海鸟正在挣扎求...

  • 稀有鸟类回归威尔士

    21-10-28 英国威尔士一些最稀有的鸟类重新回归,保护人士指出,这归功于在斯诺登尼亚开展的对抗气候变化和洪水的工作。 Wales hosts 4% of the worlds blanket bog habitat, which is seen as important in the fight against climate change because its very effective at sto...

  • 英国怀特岛发现两个新的恐龙物种

    21-10-14 考古学家发现了两个新的恐龙物种,它们可能在1.25亿年前在英格兰南部游荡。这个发现为了解这些捕食者提供了新的认知。 They would have been a terrifying sight, roaming the Earth 125 million years ago. Both were nine metres long with skulls similar to a croc...

  • The Bat 蝙蝠

    21-10-04 Once upon a time, the animals living on the ground and those flying in the sky fought against each other. However, a bat could not take part on either side because he was timid and had no courage. 从前,地上的动物和天上的动物经常打架。然而,蝙蝠无法...

  • birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚,人以群分

    21-06-11 人们往往因为兴趣、爱好、性格相互融洽而成为朋友,有的是志同道合,有的是臭味相投。 物以类聚,人以群分,中文俗语,比喻同类的东西常聚在一起,合得来的人相聚成群,是朋友之间志同道合的统称,可分开使用。与英文习语birds of a feather flock together意思相近,...

  • 世界野生鸟类总数超过500亿只

    21-06-09 据最新估计,世界上至少有 500 亿只野生鸟类。 Counting the number of wild birds in the world is no easy task. Scientists turned to a database, known as eBird, where birdwatchers record sightings of everything from woodpeckers to herons, to ospreys. 统...

  • 化石新发现有助于解释鸟类进化过程

    21-04-02 科学家们通过结合有关化石的一系列新发现及最新技术,建造出了最先进的原始鸟类头骨模型。这一成果为鸟喙的进化史提供了新解释。 Its well known that birds evolved from dinosaurs - gradually growing feathers and taking to the air. But their tiny delicate sku...