• 《灰姑娘》第2章

    22-12-20 Six years passed, and true to her word, Ella stayed kind and courageous. She continued to make sure the littlest birds got just as much food as the big birds at the fountain. She made sure to say good morning and good evening to the cooks and maids...

  • 英国叫声最响亮的鸟类数量迅速恢复

    22-05-20 麻鳽是英国叫声最响亮的鸟。这种鸟几乎两度从英国消失不见,但现在其数量正在恢复。英国皇家鸟类保护协会(The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)的报告说,2021年统计有228只雄性麻鳽 ,是 破纪录的一年,与2019年的209只相比有所增加。 The boom of a mal...

  • for the birds 糟糕的

    22-04-20 周末和一个外国朋友出去吃饭,刚吃一口,她就满脸嫌弃地说了句 Its really for the birds.心想,这东西难道已经难吃到要直接拿去喂鸟了?这样说话未免也太刻薄了吧~ 后来才知道,for the birds 其实是糟糕的的意思。 那么问题来了,糟糕的,不好的,除了bad,terrible...

  • visitors are few and far between 门可罗雀

    22-03-23 门可罗雀,字面意思是大门之前可以张起网来捕麻雀(birds can be caught by a net at the door),罗做动词表示张网捕捉(catch birds with a net),门可罗雀用来形容十分冷落,宾客稀少(visitors are few and far between,having few visitors)。 例句: 展厅门可...