• 交通噪音损害鸣禽解决问题的能力

    21-04-01 一项对鸣鸟解决问题能力的测试揭示了交通噪音是如何损害这些动物的能力的。科学家们给珍珠鸟设计了一组 觅食任务,分别在有噪音和无噪音的环境下进行。 Rather than studying birds in the wild, these researchers brought recordings of traffic noise from the near...

  • 罗马市政府用激光驱赶欧椋鸟

    21-02-08 In the Roman twilight, natures great dancers flock to the stage. 在罗马的暮色中,大自然的杰出舞者们涌向舞台。 The acrobatic twirls like wisps of smoke. 它们在空中矫捷地回旋,好似缕缕青烟。 A synchronised spectacle of breathtaking beauty. 群鸟齐飞,...

  • kill two birds with one stone 一举两得

    20-12-27 一举两得,汉语成语,意思是做一件事,能同时得到两方面的好处。与英文习语 kill two birds with one stone意思相似,表示achieve two ends with a single effort;to solve two problems with one action or solution。 例句: 骑自行车上班既可以锻炼身体,又能减少...

  • 疫情封城期间鸟类叫声更低

    20-09-30 San Francisco birds started singing differently in the quiet of the coronavirus lockdown, says a study in Science. 《科学》杂志的一项研究称,旧金山的鸟儿在安静的疫情封锁期间叫声发生了改变。 Before, urban white-crowned sparrows breeding territories w...

  • 《愤怒的小鸟2》本周五上映

    19-08-13 The Angry Birds Movie 2 is set to hit Chinese mainland theaters Friday. 《愤怒的小鸟2》将于本周五在中国大陆上映。 Angry Birds made its debut on May 20, 2016 on the Chinese mainland where it grossed 514 million yuan (nearly 73 million U.S. dollars)....

  • 中国科学家发现1亿年前未知物种的羽毛

    18-12-17 Chinese scientists have discovered strange-shaped tail feathers in 100 million-year-old ambers which do not belong to any existing or known birds. 中国科学家在一些有1亿年历史的琥珀中发现奇怪形状的尾羽,这种尾羽不属于任何现存或已知的鸟类。 A cross-se...

  • 中国赠日朱鹭已抵达日本

    18-10-18 A pair of crested ibises from China arrived in Japan on Wednesday as a symbol of friendship between the two countries. 一对中国赠送日本的朱鹭周三抵达日本,这是两国友谊的象征。 The pair of rare birds arrived in Japans Narita Airport Wednesday afterno...

  • Free to Soar

    16-08-11 One windy spring day, I observed young people having fun using the wind to fly their kites. Multicolored creations of varying shapes and sizes filled the skies like beautiful birds darting and dancing. As the strong winds gusted against the kites, a...

  • 气候变化使北极不适宜候鸟生存

    16-07-21 Climate change could make much of the Arctic unsuitable for millions of migratory birds that travel north to breed each year, according to a new international study published today in Global Change Biology. The University of Queensland School of Bio...

  • 市郊生活的鸟类比农村鸟类更易“愤怒”

    16-07-16 No need to head to the movie theater or download the video game app: Angry Birds can be found right in your backyard this summer--if you live in the suburbs, that is. Virginia Tech researchers recently found that birds that live in suburban areas ex...