• HBO遭黑客入侵 1.5TB数据被窃取

    17-08-04 HBO has joined the ranks of Hollywood entertainment companies to suffer a major cyber attack. 继好莱坞娱乐公司之后,HBO也成为黑客攻击目标。 EW has learned that upcoming episodes of a couple series and at least one alleged script or treatment have be...

  • 英国议会遭网络攻击

    17-06-25 The UK Parliament has been hit by a cyber-security attack, BBC reported. BBC报道,英国议会遭到一起网络安全攻击。 MPs (members of parliament) were reportedly told about the hack on Friday night and later told of difficulties in accessing their emails...

  • 英国警方公布伦敦桥袭击疑犯

    17-06-06 British police on Monday has named two of the three terrorists who carried out the London Bridge attack as Khuram Shazad Butt and Rachid Redouane, reported local media. 英国警方周一公布了伦敦桥恐怖袭击三名疑犯中的两名,Shazad Butt和Rachid Redouane。...

  • 伊斯兰国声称对伦敦恐怖袭击负责

    17-06-05 The so-called Islamic State (IS) has claimed responsibility for Saturdays London attack, British media reported Sunday. 英国媒体周天报道,所谓的伊斯兰国声称对周六伦敦恐怖袭击负责。 BBC reported on its website that the groups news outlet Amaq, on the...

  • 苹果发布iPhone手机安全更新

    16-08-30 Apple has issued a global iPhone security update after a flaw was uncovered that can give hackers full control of a phone. 苹果公司对全球的iPhone手机发布一个安全更新,此前在iOS系统中发现的一个小漏洞可以使黑客取得手机的完全控制权。 In a statement, th...

  • 10名外国游客在阿富汗被杀

    16-08-04 At least 10 foreign tourists were killed and five others wounded in an ambush attack in Afghanistans western province of Herat on Thursday, a district governor said. 本周四,阿富汗西部赫拉特省发生一起埋伏袭击事件,至少10名外国游客被杀,另有5人受伤。...

  • 女性单独外出时要注意的安全问题

    16-04-06 1. Awareness. True self-defence begins long before any actual physical contact: awareness of yourself, your surroundings, and your potential attackers likely strategies. 2. Use your sixth sense. All of us, especially women, have this gift. Use it to...

  • 土耳其首都发生汽车炸弹爆炸事件

    16-02-18 A car bombing in the Turkish capital Ankara has killed at least 28 people and wounded 61. 土耳其首都安卡拉发生一起汽车炸弹爆炸事件,造成至少28人丧生、61人受伤。 The bombing reportedly targeted military service vehicles, and it's understood that some...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 15

    16-02-18 In the obscure parlour of a low public-house, in the filthiest part of Little Saffron Hill; a dark and gloomy den, where a flaring gas-light burnt all day in the winter-time; and where no ray of sun ever shone in the summer: there sat, brooding over...

  • 阿富汗某警局遭炸弹袭击 六人受伤

    15-11-19 At least six persons were wounded in a bomb attack inside a police station in Afghanistan's northern province of Baghlan on Thursday, a provincial source said. 本周四阿富汗北部巴格兰省一座警察局内部发生炸弹袭击事件,至少六人受伤。 A blast took place...