• 美国悬赏千万追捕驻利使馆袭击案真凶

    13-11-22 The State Department said Friday that it has been quietly offering rewards since January of up to $10 million for information leading to the arrest or conviction of any person involved in last year's attack on a US diplomatic compound in Libya. 美国...

  • 利比亚运钞车被劫 损失5400万美元

    13-10-29 Libya's state news agency says gunmen have stolen $54m in an attack on a van carrying foreign and local currency for the Libyan central bank. 利比亚国家新闻机构称,持枪歹徒洗劫了利比亚央行一辆装载外币与本国货币的厢式货车,损失共计5400万美元。 Rebel...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁对叙利亚采取军事行动

    13-09-29 Almost three weeks ago in Syria, more than 1,000 innocent people-including hundreds of children-were murdered in the worst chemical weapons attack of the 21st century. And the United States has presented a powerful case to the world that the Syrian...

  • 内罗毕城内目前枪声不断

    13-09-23 Heavy gunfire and explosions have been heard at the shopping centre in Nairobi where militants are said to be holding a number of hostages. 内罗毕城内的购物中心可以听到密集的枪声和爆炸声,据称武装分子在该处劫持了一部分人质。 Sixty-eight people have...

  • 安卡拉警察大楼遭袭

    13-09-22 A police compound in the Turkish capital, Ankara, was struck by rockets on Friday, Interior Minister Muammer Guler has said. 土耳其首都安卡拉一座警察局建筑上周五被火箭弹袭击。 The building in the Dikmen neighbourhood was speedily cordoned off by pol...

  • 《纽约时报》官网被黑

    13-08-28 The New York Times website has gone offline for the second time this month after what the company described as a malicious external attack. 《纽约时报》官网本月第二次脱机,该公司将此次事件说成是恶意的外部攻击。 On its Facebook page, the Times said i...

  • 美国马里兰大学为教师配备防弹书写板

    13-08-25 美国马里兰大学东海岸分校日前宣布,他们将花费6万美元为本校教师购置有防弹功能的书写板,以应对可能发生的暴力袭击事件。该校此次购置的防弹书写板大小约为46*51厘米,每个售价299美元,有粉、蓝、绿三种颜色,平时可用作上课时的书写板,遇到袭击时可以帮助教师挡子...

  • 巴基斯坦奎塔城再遭袭击 8人死亡

    13-08-09 At least eight people were killed when gunmen opened fire outside a mosque in the second attack in Quetta in south-west Pakistan in as many days. 近日巴基斯坦西南部城市奎塔再次发生袭击,持枪歹徒在一座清真寺外开火,至少8人被杀。 About 15 others were...

  • 卡拉奇发生爆炸案 11人死亡

    13-08-07 A bomb explosion in the Pakistani city of Karachi has killed at least 11 people, including several children, and injured at least 24 others. 巴基斯坦城市卡拉奇发生一起爆炸案,至少11人死亡,其中包括7名儿童,另有24人受伤。 The bomb, which was hidden i...

  • The Heart Attack

    13-07-11 He was watching TV. It was about 10:45 p.m. All of a sudden, he felt something in his chest. It was a fullness that he had never felt before. The feeling was dull and painless. But it quickly became a very strong chest ache. His chest felt full, sor...