• state of the art 最先进,最顶尖

    22-05-20 短语 state of the art 的意思是 最现代的,最先进的,用来谈论科技产品等应用了最新技术、理念或配有最新功能。在名词前使用时,单词之间需要加连字符,构成合成形容词 state-of-the-art。 例句 I bought this car as it is state of the art and has AI-assisted dri...

  • 妮可·基德曼的演艺生涯 上

    22-04-15 Over 70 performances youve had, of characters that youve played to me when I look at some of this stuff, and obviously, this year you have two films, Boy Erased and Destroyer, which you guys are lucky enough to be going to see after we finish chatti...

  • 极简主义和极繁主义

    21-09-14 如何装饰自己的家是一件非常个人的事情。你喜欢简单素净还是大胆精致的装潢? Some say you can tell a lot about a person by the way they decorate their home. We often find pleasure in the things we stick in our houses, be it trinkets we bought on holiday...

  • 机关人偶装置艺术家

    21-04-28 仅仅摇摇手柄、按下按钮或者拉拉绳子,俞宸睿创造的木偶就可以奇迹般地动起来。在他鬼斧神工般的创作下,木头不仅动了起来,还能讲述非常精彩的故事,吸引了许多观众。 Yu, 29, is a maker of automata, self-propelled, artistic mechanical figures, in Chengdu, Sic...

  • 做工精湛仿造品愚弄艺术界

    21-02-27 毕加索、达芬奇、安迪沃霍尔、肖恩格林哈尔希肖恩是谁?肖恩格林哈尔希可是艺术界的知名人物,不过艺术界宁愿忘记他才好,因为他伪造并销售仿真度极高的艺术品长达17年之久才被警方逮捕。 On 17 November 2007 a man was jailed for producing works of art. Why? Beca...

  • 文身:究竟是好是坏?

    20-12-09 Do you have any tattoos? I dont. Ive never been brave enough to go under the needle. But if you do have one, you are not alone. According to a report by Experian, the number of tattoo parlours in Britain increased by 173% between 2004 and 2014. Tatt...