• 英语倒装句的用法

    20-12-07 1. ______ heard more lies being told. a) Never again have I b) No sooner have I c) Never have I d) Under no circumstances have I 2. ______ driven all the way to work did I realise that Id left my briefcase in the house. a) Never before had I b) Not...

  • slow art 慢艺术

    20-09-27 Slow art is art created or presented in a way that encourages unhurried viewing and deep contemplation; a work of art that unfolds over a long time. 慢艺术是为了鼓励人们从容观看和深思而创造或展示的艺术,是让你花长时间去欣赏的一件艺术品。 Famous art...

  • 中国自主无人驾驶轨道汽车海外试运行

    19-07-16 A smart electric vehicle on the Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit(ART) system began its first overseas trial run in Qatar on Wednesday, reports thepaper.cn. 一辆智能轨道快运电动汽车周三在卡塔尔开始首次海外试运行。 The latest trial is designed to challen...

  • 第12届中国艺术节在上海开幕

    19-05-21 The 12th edition of the China Art Festival has opened in Shanghai and will last two weeks. 第12届中国艺术节在上海开幕,本次艺术节将持续两周时间。 The event will see the showing of a total of 51 outstanding stage plays from across the country in 19 t...

  • 世界首列虚拟轨道车在株洲试运行

    18-05-09 The worlds first virtual track vehicle, the Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit (ART), starts a test run which will last for three months in Zhuzhou, central Chinas Hunan Province on May 8, 2018, reports rednet.cn. 红网报道,世界首列虚拟轨道车,智能轨道快...

  • 中国艺术团赴朝参加四月之春友谊艺术节

    18-04-11 A Chinese art troupe will leave for the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK) on Friday to attend the April Spring Friendship Art Festival. 中国某艺术团周五将奔赴朝鲜参加四月之春友谊艺术节。 The troupe will be led by Song Tao, head of the Inte...

  • 微生物学家用细菌作画

    15-10-28 If you think scientists can't be artsy, think again. 如果你觉得科学家没有艺术气息,那你就错了。 The American Society of Microbiologists (ASM) recently held its first Agar Art contest and received 85 submissions of artwork all created by microbiologi...

  • 巴西文身家为家暴受害者免费文身

    15-09-15 A Brazilian tattoo artist offers free body art so victims of domestic violence can cover their scars 巴西一位文身艺术家为家暴受害者提供免费文身,帮助他们掩盖伤疤。 Flavia Carvalho began her project 'A Pele da Flor', which means 'The Skin of the Flow...

  • 《清明上河图》在故宫展出

    15-09-09 Along the River during the Qingming Festival, one of the masterpieces of Chinese classical painting, is now being displayed at the Palace Museum or the Forbidden city to mark the 90th Anniversary since establishment. 中国古典绘画代表作之一,《清明上...

  • 时尚新潮流 泡泡美甲

    15-08-09 When you think you've seen everything that could possibly be done with nail art, manicure devotees prove you wrong. Step forward the new trend blowing up on Instagram for 'bubble' nails, where acrylic is piled up on top of the nail and thinned out t...