• 眼部活动与胳膊活动相协调

    12-02-29 We make our eye movements earlier or later in order to coordinate with movements of our arms, New York University neuroscientists have found. Their study, which appears in the journal Neuron, points to a mechanism in the brain that allows for this c...

  • 军事关系词汇

    12-02-06 high-level military exchanges 高级别军事交流 armed forces 陆海空三军/武装力量 military/military-to-military ties 两军关系 reduce misunderstanding and miscalculation 减少误解和误判 resolve disagreements 消除分歧 military hardware development 武器装备...

  • 联合国对利比亚武器储备表示“担忧”

    11-11-01 The United Nations Security Council has expressed concern over the fate of the massive weapons stockpile built up in Libya under Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. 联合国安理会对利比亚在卡扎菲时期囤积的大量武器的明月表示担忧。 The council called on Libya and...

  • 怎么说“军售”

    10-07-20 据媒体报道,美国政府近日批准雷神、洛克希德马丁公司执行布什政府2008年10月宣布的军售计划,向台湾出售爱国者-3反导系统等武器装备。有关专家表示,美国的行为虽违反了中美三个联合公报和《中美联合声明》的原则,但不会对中美关系构成极大影响。 请看《中国日报》的...

  • 美俄签署限制核武器条约

    10-04-08 US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev are due to sign a landmark nuclear arms treaty in the Czech capital Prague. 美国总统奥巴马与俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫将于捷克首都布拉格签署具有里程碑意义的核武器协议。 Last-minute prep...

  • 国际特赦呼吁严密控制对索马里的军事援助

    10-01-21 Amnesty International has called for much stricter controls for the military assistance being given to Somalia's transitional government. 国际特赦组织呼吁对索马里过渡期政府的军事援助必须进行更加严密的控制。 Amnesty wants arms transfers to the Somali...

  • I can do anything

    10-01-04 I was born with a rare birth defect天生缺陷 called TARSA Syndrome综合症 , which means I am missing the radius桡骨,半径 bone in my forearms. My arms were shorter because of this condition, but I never thought of myself as different. I don't like bei...

  • 比利时军火商承认非法向伊朗销售武器

    09-11-24 An alleged Belgian arms dealer has pleaded guilty to conspiring to illegally export jet engines and parts from the US to Iran, officials say. 官员称,一名比利时军火商承认阴谋非法从美国向伊朗出售喷气式发动机和零部件。 Officials say Jacques Monsieur p...

  • 安哥拉武器销售门涉案人员接受审判

    09-10-28 The son of ex-French President Francois Mitterrand and an ex-government minister have been convicted for their roles in illegal arms sales to Angola. 前法国总统弗朗索瓦密特朗的儿子和一位前政府官员被指控非法向安哥拉出售武器。 Jean-Christophe Mitterra...

  • Broken wings,flying heart

    09-10-27 He lost his arms in an accident that claimed his father's lifewho was the main source of support for the family. Since then,he has had to depend on the arms of his younger brother. For the sake of taking care of him,his younger brother became his s...