• 英国科学家发明机器人厨师

    15-04-19 Picture the scene: You come home after work feeling too exhausted to cook only to find a delicious meal worthy of a Michelin-starred restaurant waiting for you. 想象一下这个画面:下班回家倍感疲倦不想做饭却发现可以和米其林星级餐厅的食物媲美的美味饭菜...

  • Jane Eyre 简爱 Chapter 9

    14-09-28 BUT the privations, or rather the hardships, of Lowood lessened. Spring drew on: she was indeed already come; the frosts of winter had ceased; its snows were melted, its cutting winds ameliorated. My wretched feet, flayed and swollen to lameness by...

  • 章鱼触手不会吸附自己身体的奥秘

    14-05-16 An octopus's arms are covered in hundreds of suckers that will stick to just about anything, with one important exception. Those suckers generally won't grab onto the octopus itself; otherwise, the impressively flexible animals would quickly find th...

  • 银河系有四支旋臂

    13-12-19 A 12-year study of massive stars has reaffirmed that our Galaxy has four spiral arms, following years of debate sparked by images taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope that only showed two arms. The new research, which is published online in the M...

  • arms-sale contract 军售合同

    13-09-26 Beijing and Moscow signed two arms-sale contracts in which China will buy Russian fighter jets and submarines, media reports said. 媒体报道称,中俄已签署两份军售合同,中方将从俄罗斯购买战斗机和潜艇。 Arms sale就是指军售,arms-sale contracts则是军售...

  • 联合国部分解除索马里武器销售禁令

    13-03-07 The UN Security Council has unanimously voted to partially lift its ban on selling arms on Somalia for a year. 联合国安理会全票通过一年内部分解除对索马里的武器禁售政策。 The embargo is the world's oldest, having been imposed in 1992, and will be par...

  • 透过婴儿的眼睛

    12-08-21 I opened my eyes. I was looking up at the ceiling. Why I was looking there, I don't know, but I kept looking anyway, and laughing. I kicked my legs and shuck my arms, but it brought me no closer to what I was looking at. I called out Ga, ga, gaagh,...

  • 深海乌贼遭攻击时舍弃触手保命

    12-08-03 A postdoctoral researcher at the University of Rhode Island has observed a never-before-seen defensive strategy used by a small species of deep-sea squid in which the animal counter-attacks a predator and then leaves the tips of its arms attached to...

  • 联合国武器销售会谈宣告失败

    12-07-03 Talks at the United Nations aimed at creating a global treaty on the international arms treaty have stalled before they even began. 联合国旨在建立一个全球武器销售条约的会谈还未开始便已宣告失败。 A dispute over the status of the Palestinian delegatio...

  • 军火商威克特·布特被判25年监禁

    12-04-06 Arms dealer Viktor Bout, dubbed the merchant of death, has been sentenced to 25 years in jail by a US judge. 武器商人威克特布特,号称死亡商人,被一位美国法官判处25年监禁。 During the sentencing, the ex-Soviet officer shouted it's a lie as the prosec...