• 新冠疫情下如何正确戴口罩

    20-04-07 Make sure the mask is covering nose and mouth 确保口罩能盖住鼻子和嘴巴 The COVID virus is spread by droplets; its spread when we cough or sneeze or even talk. A droplet from one person gets transmitted to another person, said Dr. Alison Haddock, wit...

  • 居家隔离可以做的五件事

    20-04-07 Get creative in the kitchen 厨房大显身手 Youre stuck at home and your pantry is calling your name. You might not have all the ingredients you need, but dont let that stop you. See what you can put together with the staples you have. You could even g...

  • 新冠病毒影响服务行业人们的收入

    20-03-26 新冠状病毒的传播影响了全球各地人们的工作和收入。 The spread of the new coronavirus is affecting the work and pay of people around the world. A guide at a popular tourist area in eastern China has not earned any money for two months, as tourists are n...

  • 星巴克咖啡已停用顾客自带杯子

    20-03-24 全球已有超过10万人感染新型冠状病毒,星巴克也和其他食品饮品连锁店一样,开始采取措施避免新冠肺炎传播。星巴克的咖啡师已停止用顾客自带的杯子或店里的店用杯接咖啡。 Starbucks has joined other food and beverage chains in taking action to prevent the spread...

  • 德国总理默克尔号召全民抗击疫情

    20-03-25 德国总理默克尔号召民众理解和支持政府采取的各种限制措施,共同抗击新冠肺炎疫情。 German Chancellor Angela Merkel is urging all citizens to help fight the spread of the coronavirus by sticking to the latest rules. Merkel called on people to stick to th...

  • 2020欧洲杯将延期一年

    20-03-18 由于新冠病毒的传播,2020欧洲杯将延期一年。 Euro 2020 has been postponed by one year because of the coronavirus pandemic. European footballs governing body made the decision during an emergency video conference involving major stakeholders. The tourn...

  • 中国将援助塞尔维亚抗击新冠病毒

    20-03-18 外交部发言人耿爽称中方将为塞尔维亚提供医疗设备并派遣专家组帮助其对抗新冠病毒。 Foreign ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang says China stands ready to provide Serbia with medical supplies and dispatch an expert team to support its fight against COVID-1...

  • 用伏特加、芦荟自制洗手液,防新冠病毒不靠谱

    20-03-17 因为新型冠装病毒的传播,洗手液买断货,于是有人自制洗手液,其主要原料是芦荟和伏特加。不过醍拓公司声明用醍拓伏特加自制的洗手液并不能防范新冠病毒。 As the novel coronavirus continues to spread, the demand for hand sanitizer is emptying shelves. So, som...

  • 男人因为新冠病毒变得更爱洗手

    20-03-16 由于新型冠状病毒的流行使得男人们洗手尤其是上厕所之后洗手更频繁了。 The spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus has made more men wash their hands more often, especially after going to the toilet. A recent survey of 2,000 men in the UK found that 32 per c...

  • 英语阅读:关于新型冠状病毒

    20-03-09 2019年12月份中国发生多起肺炎病例,调查显示是有一种之前不知道的病毒的引起的--现在被命名为2019新型冠装病毒。 In December 2019, there was a cluster of pneumonia cases in China. Investigations found that it was caused by a previously unknown virus now n...