日期:2021-08-19 -To suggest or think of an idea or plan 例句: Shes come up with some amazing schemes to double her income. 她想出了一些惊人的计划来使她的收入翻一番。 They came up with words that their parents wouldnt understand. 他们提出了父母不会理解的话。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 - as said by most people 例句: By all accounts, San Francisco is a city thats easy to fall in love with. 众所周知,旧金山是一个很容易爱上的城市。 From all accounts, hes a really nice guy. 据大家所说,他真的是一个好人。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 Newly arrived in another country but has yet to learn the customs and language. 例句: Hes fresh off the boat, and he just arrived yesterday. 他初来乍到,昨天才到的。 Shes been here for over a year, but she behaves as if shes fresh off the boat. 她... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 反目,汉语词语,字面意思是翻眼相看,比喻由和睦变为不和睦,翻脸变成仇敌。可以翻译为fall out,表示have a breach in relations。成语反目成仇可以翻译为fall out and become enemies。 例句: 我不想为这点小事儿和你反目。 I dont want to fall out with you over... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 死里逃生,汉语成语,意思是从极危险的境地中逃脱,幸免于死。可以翻译为have a narrow escape,a near miss或escape by the skin of ones teeth等。 例句: 我父亲在这次车祸中死里逃生。 My father had a narrow squeak in the automobile accident. 由于命运之神的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 Bow to pressure 的意思是迫于压力而做出让步。 例句 Bowing to pressure from its customers, the restaurant changed the menu to include a vegetarian option. The senator accused Barack Obama of bowing to pressure from environmentalists. He resigned his p... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 当某人帮你解决了大难题时,你可以说 You are a star! 你简直就是明星! 意思是,你真厉害或你真棒。 例句 The dinner party I invited my boss to was a success thanks to Mary. She cooked the main dish. Shes a star! Ive got so much work to do. Im happy youve... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 短语 loan shark 直译是贷款鲨鱼,实意是指放高利贷的人,而且多数情况下他们是非法放贷的。 例句 During the recession, many people lost their jobs and turned to loan sharks to pay their bills. The police announced they will arrest loan sharks who have be... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 我们可以用 crabby 这个词来形容那些脾气暴躁,容易发火的人。 例句 Hi Tony. Be careful when talking to Mary. She is very crabby today! I need my coffee early in the morning or I get very crabby all day long. 请注意 另一个容易被混淆的表达是 catty, 这个... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 如果你告诉别人你 dont give a monkeys about something, 意思就是你对某事一点都不在乎,完全无所谓。 例句 I dont give a monkeys if my ex-boyfriend is getting married or not. Its all about the money for Caroline. She doesnt give a monkeys about the work... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 短语 up to speed 意思是了解事情发展的最新情况, 它也可以指一个人能够胜任某事。 例句 Is Fran up to speed with the project yet? If not, can you please tell her whats been going on since the last meeting? Brian wasnt very good at using the software to b... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 短语 to the letter 的意思是一字不差的严格执行或遵守规定。 例句 The soldier obeyed his commanders orders to the letter - and it cost him his life. Ill give you my special cake recipe but if you want it to turn out well, you must follow it to the lett... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 To turn the page 意思就是不再纠结过去,开始人生新的一页。请注意,此短语常用于美式英语中。 例句 Joan cried a lot during her divorce. When it was over, she decided to turn the page and start partying again. The president told the nation the war was ov... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 A high-flyer 是在指事业上有极高抱负的成功职业人士。 例句 Daniel is such a high-flyer. Hes only 31 years old and hes already the financial director of the company. My brother is a high-flying businessman and travels all over the world. 请注意 另外有... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 我们可以用短语 a tall order 来比喻一件非常困难的或一项非常艰巨的任务。 例句 The client wants me to deliver the project by tomorrow. Its a tall order but Ill try. What!? You want me to do the shopping, clean the flat, mow the lawn and prepare lunch a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 当大家都坐在同一条船上的时候 in the same boat, 这就意味着所有人处境相同。 例句 Youth unemployment is so high in Europe at the moment but everyones in the same boat no-one can find a job. The whole class came down with chicken pox on a school trip. I... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 在英语里,bark 做为动词是狗叫的意思。短语 barking mad 是形容某人完全疯了的状态,同时也能形容某个不理智或疯狂的决定。 例句 I went out wearing sandals even though it was raining. Everyone was looking at me as if I were barking mad. My neighbour is bar... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 Butterflies in ones stomach 肚子里有蝴蝶 这个短语的意思和汉语里的七上八下相似,用来描述某人感到紧张、忐忑不安。 例句 My interview starts in ten minutes. Ive got butterflies in my stomach! Julie has butterflies in her stomach every time Mike speaks t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 In the pink 这个短语可以用来形容某人身体非常健康。 例句 Ive had a rough few months, but Im happy to say that Im back in the pink again. Shes 87 but shes still in the pink! Our profits are down on last years but were optimistic that by year-end well... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-08-19 在一个企业里,核心领导人物往往被称为 big cheese。这个表达的字面意思是大奶酪,一个非常口语化的称呼,所以在使用时要格外注意场合,最好别直接叫领导 big cheese。 例句 If you want to get anything done here, you need to speak to the big cheese. Since he be... 阅读全文>>

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