日期:2022-06-28 Cheapskate: A person who does not like to spend money on people (This is not used as a compliment) 小气鬼、吝啬鬼 例: Thomas did not want to spend $5 on flowers for his mother. What a cheapskate! 托马斯给妈妈买花连5美元都舍不得花,真是太抠门了!... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-28 Golden handshake: A large sum of money that a company gives to an employee when he or she leaves (normally the top executives) 丰厚的解雇金、退职金 例: As CEO, Ross was given a golden handshake when he agreed to leave the company. 作为CEO,罗斯同意... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-28 Nest egg: Money that has been saved up over a period of time 储蓄金、筹备的积蓄 例: Over the years Leo has been very disciplined and saved every month. He now has a big nest egg on which he can retire. 利奥这些年来一直很自律,每个月都存钱。现在他有... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-28 Gravy train: A job that pays a lot of money for very little effort 赚大钱的清闲差事、美差、肥缺 例: Ian earns a fortune for three hours work a day. Hes really on the gravy train! 伊恩每天只用工作三小时,薪水却很高,他真是得了一份美差!... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-28 Bring home the bacon: to earn money to support the family 赚钱谋生、养家糊口 例: James does overtime so that he can bring home the bacon. 詹姆斯经常加班赚钱养家。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-28 Balance the books: to add up all the credits and debits of an account 结算、结账 例: Thomas is in charge of balancing the books at the end of each quarter for the business. 托马斯负责公司每季度末的帐目清算。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-24 9. Cheers Cheers不仅仅是干杯,也是英式英语中的谢谢,不过通常在非正式的环境中使用。 Heres that book you wanted to borrow. Oh, cheers. 这是你想借的那本书。哦,谢啦。 10. You shouldnt (have) 这个表达的意思是你本不必这么做,真是太感谢你了,在你收到别人... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-24 Thanks和thank you是英语中谢谢的基本款,thanks比thank you更口语化,后者更正式些。 1. Thanks a lot 2. Thanks very much 3. Thank you very much 4. Thank you so much 如果你想要强调自己的感激之情或是表现得极为礼貌,可以使用以上四种说法。 Thank you so much... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-24 1.Top dog the most important person in an organization 公司里最重要的人物 例句:If you want a decision on that, youre going to have to get it approved by the top dog. 如果你想要决定这件事,你需要让它得到老板的同意。 2.More than one way to skin a cat... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-24 1.A dogs dinner or dogs breakfast to make a mess. 搞砸了 例句:They made a real dogs dinner of the website. Its terrible. 他们把网站搞砸了。这可太糟了。 2. To fight like cats and dogs - to argue and fight with someone. 和某人争吵 例句:Its a miracle... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-24 1.Go to the dogsnot as successful as in the past(usually used in the continuous tense). 不如过去成功(通常使用进行时) 例句:That company will go bankrupt if its not careful. Its going to the dogs. 那家公司要是不小心的话就会破产的。它可能会完蛋的。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-24 1.To be dog tiredto be exhausted. 累趴下,累成狗 例句:I have worked 70 hours this week. I am dog tired. 我这周工作了70个小时。我都累趴下了。 2.Let the cat out of the bag to reveal a secret. 透露秘密 例句:Great! George in Finance knows about our ne... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-24 1.Let sleeping dogs lie do not make trouble if you dont have to. 不要自找麻烦 例句:Theres absolutely no point pursuing this issue. We should just let sleeping dogs lie. 在这个问题上深究完全没有意义。我们不要自找麻烦了。 2.Not enough room to swing a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-24 1. You can count on me. 我办事,你放心。 2. Leave it up to me! 这事就交给我吧。 3. Just listen to me, and youll be fine. 听我的准没错。 4. Ill back you up。 我会挺你的。 5. Please feel assured that we will keep our promise. 请放心我们一定遵守诺言。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-24 吞吞吐吐,汉语成语,意思是想说但又不痛痛快快地说,形容说话有顾虑。可以翻译为hesitate in speech (speaking),prevaricate。 例句: 她对她那件衣服花了多少钱有点吞吞吐吐。 She was a little coy about how much her dress cost. 别吞吞吐吐的,有话快说吧。 Sto... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-24 心直口快,汉语成语,意思是性情直爽,有话就说。可以翻译为be frank and outspoken,be straightforward等。 例句: 他心直口快,说话总是不太顾忌。 He had a quick tongue and always said what he thought without much deliberation.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-22 Wipe the smile off/from someones face 指的是让某人笑不出来,尤其是那些自以为很聪明而惹人厌的人: 例句: I know the other team cheated, they were off side all day, I would love to wipe the smile from their faces but will have to wait until the next t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-22 Force a smile指的是在你不想微笑的情况下微笑: 例句: Even though I didnt want to be there, I managed to force a smile for the cameras. 虽然我并不想在那儿,我还是为了镜头强迫自己露出笑容。 Smile from ear to ear 指的是很快乐很满足的大笑,有眉开眼笑的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-22 Crack a smile指的是微笑或露齿一笑: 例句: They were a tough class to teach, I told my best jokes and no one even cracked a smile. 他们真是很难教的一个班级。我讲了我最棒的笑话,居然没有一个人笑。 Crack a smile还可以用来表示在感觉不想微笑的时候挤出一... 阅读全文>>

日期:2022-06-22 I cant get over you. 忘记你我做不到。 Over表示忘记,熬过,释怀。 例: Im over you! 我已经把你放下了! Get over还可形容反应过来,回过神儿来。比如,如果你看到以前相貌平平的同学现在很美,就可以说:I cant get over how great you look! 真不敢相信,你现在这... 阅读全文>>

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