日期:2023-11-28 应聘资格咨询 对于喜欢的工作,自己能获得面试的机会吗?会被聘请吗?能胜任吗?要回答这些问题, 还是要事先就这个工作所要求的资格、条件等进行相关咨询。 详解惯用单句 应聘这个职位有什么条件?What are the requirements to apply for this position? ★ requirem... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 详解实用对话 Calling about a Position Operator:Hello, this is ABC Corporation. May I help you? Brian: Yes. Im enquiring about your advertisement for a sales manager in todays newspaper. Is this position still open? Operator:Yes, but do you have a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 空闲职位咨询 西方人尤其是美国人都非常欣赏做事initiative(主动)的人。主动不仅可以给别人留下积极 热情的好印象,也可以为自己争取到更多的机会。找工作,更需要主动。遇到感兴趣的空 闲职位或工作单位,要主动出击,就像本课中的Brian一样。 详解惯用单句 请问还... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 详解实用对话 Canceling after Youve Already Accepted Emma:Hello, Kevin. I hate to do this, but I have to cancel our appointment. Kevin:Oh, no! Why? I was looking forward to seeing you at my new place. Emma:Yeah, I really wanted to come too. But so... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 改变邀请 世事难料,有时约好的事情,也不得不改变。但只要表现出你真心的歉意,再加上委婉的 语气和合理的解释,对方还是会欣然接受的。 详解惯用单句 你看我们把约会推迟到9:30方便吗?Do you think its convenient to postpone the appointment till 9:30? ★ conve... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 详解实用对话 Refusing an Invitation Joe:Jane, I was wondering if you had any plans for Saturday afternoon. Jane:A friend and I are planning to go out. Why? Whats up? Joe:Theres a special exhibition of French sculptures at the museum. I was hoping... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 拒绝邀请 拒绝总是一件让人失望的事情,但是如果你拒绝得委婉一点,再解释一下,对方就可以通 情达理地接受你的选择了,也不会因为遭到拒绝而感到那么尴尬了。 详解惯用单句 我很想去,但我不能。Id love to, but I cant. ○ Im afraid I cant. 我恐怕不行。 ○ Im not... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 详解实用对话 Accepting an Invitation Frank:Hi, Alice. What are you doing this Sunday? Alice:Nothing really. Why? Whats up? Frank:If youre free, maybe you would like to come to a small party Im having for my birthday. It should be fun. Youll get t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 接受邀请 当受到别人邀请时,一定要表现得非常高兴或者兴奋,一句无精打采的OK,给人感觉好 像很勉强的样子,肯定不行。咱们来看一下Alice是怎么接受邀请的吧。 详解惯用单句 好的!OK! = All right. ○ Great! / Lovely! 太好了! 当然愿意了!You bet! ○ You bet yo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 详解实用对话 Inviting Someone Jennifer:Hi, Charles. I want to let you know that I finally found an apartment in Haidian. Charles:You did? Thats great! Jennifer:Yeah. Im having a party this Saturday night. A sort of housewarming, and I want to inv... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 提出邀请 人们需要社交活动,尤其是在这个钢筋混凝土的繁忙世界里,更容易感到孤独。当你想要 邀请某个人却又不知如何开口的时候,就请赶快学习本课的内容吧。 详解惯用单句 你想加入我们吗?Would you like to join us? ○ You must join us for a coffee. 你一定要来... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 详解实用对话 Responding to Introductions Bill:Cindy, I dont think youve met Professor Martin before. Cindy:No, I havent had the pleasure. Bill:(To Martin)This is my friend and colleague, Cindy. (To Cindy)This is Mr. Martin from Columbia Unive... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 回应介绍 介绍过后,被介绍的人又该如何回应?如何适当地恭维一下对方?如何更好地拉近关系? 在本课中,Cindy和Martin给大家做了一个很好的示范。 详解惯用单句 见到你很高兴!How nice to meet you! = Nice to meet you! = Nice meeting you! = Glad to meet you! =... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 详解实用对话 Introducing Others Paul:Hi, Amy. How are you? Amy:Fine, thanks. Id like to introduce you to my father. Paul:All right. (at Amys house) Amy:(to Father)This is Paul.(to Paul)This is my father. He works for IBM. Father:How do yo... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 介绍他人 同自我介绍不同,介绍他人又涉及到第三者。这个时候的英文表达更要到位,介绍什么、 怎样介绍都很重要,否则很容易显得失礼。 详解惯用单句 你认识马克吗?Do you know Mark? ○ Have you met Kate before? 你以前见过凯特吗? 我想你不认识大卫,是吗?I don... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 详解实用对话 Introducing Oneself Nancy:Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Nancy. Simon:Nice to meet you. Im Simon. I dont think Ive seen you around before. Nancy:No. I just started working here at IBM . Im in the Sales Department . Simon... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 介绍自己 初次见面,常常需要大家主动地自我介绍一下。但是除了介绍我是谁谁外,你还有没有 能力再介绍些别的呢? 详解惯用单句 你好。我是约翰韦斯特。How do you do? Im John West. ○ Nice to meet you. Im Jim Green. 见到你很高兴。我是吉姆格林。 不好意思,我叫... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 详解实用对话 Asking for a Name and Identity Mark:How do you do? Im Mark Ronald. Rose:Nice to meet you. Mark:May I know your name, please? Rose:Im Rose Taylor. I think Ive seen you somewhere before. Mark:Ah, yes. I remember now. Were you at Mr.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 询问姓名与身份 不熟悉的人之间交往首先要询问对方的不外乎是姓名和身份。那么,大家来看一下有过一 面之交的Mark和Rose是怎样询问对方和介绍自己的。 详解惯用单句 我该怎么称呼您呢?How do I address you? ★ address[dres]v. 称呼 ■ 用于非常正式的场合。 请问... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-11-28 详解实用对话 Responding to Farewell Susan:Hi, Martin. Ive been looking for you all morning. Martin:Whats up ? Susan:I want to say goodbye. Im leaving for America tomorrow. Martin:America? Did you get admitted to MIT ? Susan:Yes. Martin:Congrat... 阅读全文>>

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