日期:2009-05-27 如今跳槽已是一个很普遍的现象,原因是多种多样的。应征者当被问及跳槽的原因时要把握住一点,那就是你要说出现在应聘的这个公司能为你提供原公司不能提供的方面,包括个人发展(development)、机会(opportunity)、工作环境(working environment)等等。 BASIC EXP... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 如果说女性是这个世界的半边天,那么女性上班族则是整片天空下靓丽的彩虹。每日上下班高峰的时候,随处可见女性上班族们充满自信的步伐与大方明艳的衣着,穿行于人海之间,着实形成了一道道夺目的风景。然而,既然是上班族,在衣着上就应注重细节,不可随意搭配。想知... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 GLOSSARY OF CHINESE TERMS 《中华人民共和国学位条例》 Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the Peoples Republic of China 结业证书 Certificate of Completion 毕业证书 Certificate of Graduation 肄业证书 Certificate of Completion/Incompletion/ Atte... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 第一天到公司上班,是不是心情有点紧张?怎样才能给上级和同事留下一个良好印象呢?虽然你已经过五关斩六将,通过了公司的招聘考试,但你还是没有十分的把握。我们来一起看看某家外企的新成员Annie Hall是如何得体地处理她工作中的第一天的。 Annie: Good Morning. Let... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 13. Keep control of problems 保持对问题的掌控 Let's say you need some special work done. Don't stop with getting approval. If the other person doesn't follow through, you're left looking inept. 比如说你需要完成某些特殊工作,不要因为还未得到批准而停... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 1. Forget about excuses 不要寻找借口 No boss cares why an assignment wasn't done. It's your job to get it done and on time. 没有老板在乎你没有完成职责的原因。因此及时完成工作是你的事。 2. Don't aim for perfection 不要苛求完美 Getting it done well an... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 写求职信的目的在于获得职位,一封求职信无论如何文辞并茂,令人心动,公司HR主管不见到应聘者本人是不会给予工作机会的。因此,求职信的实际目的在于获得面谈的机会。许多人都会copy网上的求职信范本,导致千篇一律,这是非常不可取的。我们已经讲过怎样写求职信,这... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 Q: I am doing a master's degree in accounting and have completed my first semester. Now I'm thinking of shifting to actuarial studies, as I don't find accounting very exciting. In the current economy, should I pursue something I feel passionate abou... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 Situation:Cathy wants to transfer her post of receptionist into a personnel officer. She came to talk with the general manager about this. 凯茜想从现在的前台调到人事部门工作。他去找总经理谈论此事。 Cathy: I've worked here as a receptionist for abou... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 What makes people shun the relative security of full-time employment and start up a business themselves? For the past five years, the European Union's head office has financed an annual poll of more than 21,000 people on both sides of the Atlantic.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 面试很容易让人紧张不安。越是紧张,面试的结果可能就越差。 Thoughts such as What if I don't get any job offers?, What if I don't get the job I want? or Will I accept a position that isn't right for me? can cause considerable upset. Here are a few note... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 1.Give direction. Stand in front of the mirror and say, Here is our future five times without stuttering. A leader's most important job at any organization is to lay out a road map to the future. If you can't provide that direction, you're a manager... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 6. Politics: You've seen how out of hand political discussions can get with your family at the dinner table. Do you really want to start that kind of drama at work? Keep in mind that while your family is obligated to love you no matter what, co-work... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 Just think back to a recent uncomfortable conversation you had with someone -- a friend, family member or total stranger. Things were going well until the other person just laid it all out there: an unnecessary peek into his or her financial situati... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 The current recession has left workers with many questions about their jobs. But one thing is certain: change. Economic conditions likely mean your firm is undergoing a transition, whether it's new management, emerging business priorities, a reducti... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 1. Relevant experience 相关工作经验 Twenty-three percent of hiring managers say the candidate's ability to relate their experience to the job at hand is the most important factor in the hiring decision. Unfortunately, new graduates often underestima... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 Job flexibility is the key to keeping workers happy, productive and loyal to the company, a new study shows. 一项最新研究显示,弹性工作制对于保持员工心情愉快、高效工作以及对公司忠诚不二是至关重要的。 Researchers at Wake Forest University School of M... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 In today's world of flexible work and intensive performance assessment, careers are often measured in months rather than decades。 在当今这个工作灵活多样、业绩评估又十分苛刻的世界里,职业生涯通常是以月份而不是以年为单位计算的。 It's the people, stup... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 Craft a Cover Letter That Stands Out 写一封出众的求职信 After graduating from law school, Autumn Leach wanted to find a job quickly. She drafted a cover letter that accentuated her unique experience and made her stand out as a candidate. 从法律学校... 阅读全文>>

日期:2009-05-27 Looking for a way to get your resume noticed? Need answers to those seemingly impossible interview questions? 想让你的简历得到注意吗?在为那些不可能的面试问题寻找答案吗? Ask you neighbor. Or your best friend. Or even your third-cousin-once-removed.... 阅读全文>>

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