• 英国食物银行

    21-02-27 When looking at Western Europe, we dont usually think about poverty - but in fact, some people in modern-day Britain are so hard up that they cant afford to buy food. Back in 2008, the financial crisis caused a lot of redundancies. Then there were t...

  • 北京开始打造智慧工地

    19-07-22 Beijing has started to build smart construction sites, said the Beijing Municipal Commission of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. 北京市住房和城乡建设委员会表示,北京已开始建造智慧建筑工地。 According to the commission, some construction companie...

  • 食品厂工人发明小龙虾清洗机

    19-05-17 A worker at a food factory in the city of Honghu in Hubei Province has invented a washing machine for quickly cleaning crayfish. 湖北洪湖某食品厂的员工发明一台可以快速清洁小龙虾的机器。 Zhang Kaiwei partnered with washing machine factories to produc...

  • boomerang 职场“回头客”

    18-03-01 Boomerang refers to an employee who quits to take another job and later returns to the company. 职场回头客指的是辞职另谋职位后,又返回原公司工作的人。 Boomerang is an employee who is laid off and then rehired as a consultant or contract worker. 职场...

  • 2016中国十大草根英雄

    17-01-22 Chinas Internet users have selected 10 individuals as the 2016 grassroots heroes. 中国网民选出了2016年十大草根英雄。 The winners were announced and honored Saturday at an event sponsored by Xinhua News Agency. He Xinglong, a village doctor who has b...

  • clockless worker 过劳模

    16-08-24 Clockless worker ,顾名思义,指的就是An employee who is willing to work at any time, day or night(不分白昼、愿意在任何时间工作的员工)。对他们来说,clock(钟表)已经没有什么意义了,他们的工作时间完全clockless(没有钟点概念),一切以工作任务为重。...

  • 伦敦某上班族每天乘飞机上下班

    15-08-09 A London office worker who was sick of the city's rip-off prices worked out that he would spend less commuting to his job from Spain. 伦敦一个上班族受够了伦敦突破天际的物价,他算出从西班牙打飞的曲线上班要更省钱。 Three months ago, he actually did it...

  • 洛杉矶提高大型宾馆最低工资标准

    14-09-25 The Los Angeles city council has voted to raise the minimum wage at large hotels to $15.37 per hour. 洛杉矶市政局投票通过一项决议,提高大型宾馆工人每小时最低工资至15.37美元。 Hotel workers celebrate after the council voted for the hourly wage increa...

  • office rage 办公室怒气

    13-12-13 Office rage refers to a fit of violent anger by an office worker due to nonperformance by equipment. It is normally directed at printers, computers, phones, etc. Office rage(办公室怒气)指办公室职员因为某个办公设备故障而产生的怒气,这怒气通常都指向...

  • 中文称谓如何翻译3

    13-08-01 一般说来,代理可译作 acting, 例如: 代理市长 acting mayor 代理总理 acting premier 代理主任 acting director 常务可以 managing 表示, 例如: 常务理事 managing director 常务副校长 managing vice president(亦可作 first vice mayor) 执行可译作 executive...