• 网上疯传的苹果香蕉椰子谜题

    16-02-20 A simple brainteaser for children has sparked an online debate, with many adults arguing about what the correct answer is. 一个看似简单的儿童谜语近日在网上引发热论,很多成年人为正确答案到底是什么争论不休。 The apples, bananas and coconuts conundrum...

  • Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿 - Chapter 18

    16-02-18 About noon next day, when the Dodger and Master Bates had gone out to pursue their customary avocations, Mr. Fagin took the opportunity of reading Oliver a long lecture on the crying sin of ingratitude; of which he clearly demonstrated he had been g...

  • 在北京工作的外国人可以买房了

    16-02-17 The municipal authority has said that foreigners with work permits and no properties in Beijing now can buy one home. 北京市政府宣布,有工作许可证并且在北京没有房产的外国人可以买房了。 Branches of foreign companies can also purchase non-residential...

  • The Effectiveness of Advertisement 广告的威力

    16-02-17 Some businessmen were talking about advertising on tv excitedly. As none of them had ever done it before, every one had his point of view。 At this moment, Mr. Grey came by. grey was a car dealer and he had once made an advertisement。 What are you...

  • 2015一大堆企业家爱看的优秀书籍 上

    16-02-15 Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance The most innovative and intriguing entrepreneur of our time is ushering in a future that's as unexpected and disruptive as the erstwhile future that the PC and then the i...

  • BBC:最经久不衰的10部小说

    16-02-15 10. Vanity Fair (William Makepeace Thackeray, 1848) This novel features probably the greatest anti-heroine in English literature, Becky Sharp, and a plot that revolves around class, social climbing and a financial crisis that will seem eerily famili...

  • 属马人的性格特征

    16-02-05 Like Tigers with whom they are most compatible, Horse people can be a jumble of contradictions. Cool but hot-blooded, hard-nosed but humble, impatient but extraordinarily tolerant, the Horse is above all defined by hard work and self-reliance. Altho...

  • 奥巴马讲话 为每个学生创造机会 掌握计算机技能

    16-02-05 Hi everybody. As I said in my State of the Union address, we live in a time of extraordinary change-change that's affecting the way we live and the way we work. New technology replaces any job where work can be automated. Workers need more skills to...

  • 15个保持高效工作的秘诀 上

    16-01-30 Secret #1: They focus on minutes, not hours. Average performers default to hours and half-hour blocks on their calendar. Highly successful people know there are 1,440 minutes in every day and there is nothing more valuable than time. Money can be lo...

  • 高智商的人很难集中注意力

    16-01-23 Those who find themselves easily distracted at work may be intellectually superior to their colleagues, according to research. 研究发现,在工作中易被分散注意力的人可能比他们的同事智商更高。 Intelligent workers may have difficulty concentrating due t...