• Roses for My Wife 给妻子的玫瑰

    12-06-12 On the way home one night, I spotted some fresh-cut roses outside a florist's shop. After selecting a dozen and entering the shop, I was greeted by a young saleswoman. Are these for your wife, sir? she asked. Yes, I said. For her birthday? she asked...

  • 比雀斑更美的

    12-06-07 An elderly woman and her little grandson, whose face was sprinkled with bright freckles(雀斑) , spent the day at the zoo. Lots of children were waiting in line to get their cheeks painted by a local artist who was ecorating them with tiger paws. Y...

  • 美国某女子因衣着火辣被辞退

    12-05-26 美国新泽西州一名女子因胸部过于丰满、衣着过于火辣而被其男性雇主辞退,她于日前向美国公平就业机会委员会提出投诉。 Lauren Odes, left, and her attorney Gloria Allred hold a press conference at the Omni Hotel in New York, Monday May 21, 2012. A New Jersey...

  • Every Woman is beautiful

    12-05-24 A little boy asked his mother Why are you crying? Because I'm a woman, she told him. I don't understand, he said. His mum just hugged him and said, And you never will. Later the little boy asked his father, Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?...

  • 仅半数女性肯接受好意的赞美

    12-04-21 Want to insult a woman? Then offer her a compliment. 想侮辱一个女人吗?那就赞美她吧。 Only half of women actually enjoy being praised and many others misinterpret well-meant words as offensive, according to new research. And you look well is one of...

  • 美国iPhone手机充电时着火

    12-03-31 In what appears to be the first reported case of its kind on US shores, a Colorado woman alleges that her iPhone 4 caught fire while charging overnight and wants Apple to warn customers of the device's possible combustion issues. 美国科罗拉多州一位...

  • 女性眼神暗藏对男性的感觉

    12-03-26 The female mind has always been a complete mystery to most men and their enigmatic thoughts and actions almost impossible to decode - until now. 女人的心思对大多数男人而言总是那么深不可测,直到现在女人们谜一般的想法和行为还是令人费解。 Finally the c...

  • Beauty Quotient 美商

    12-03-22 Each woman has a Beauty Quotient . This quotient is made up of three distinct categories: Physical Health, Psychological Health and Personal Appearance. 每个女人都有美商(Beauty Quotient,简写为BQ),而美商是由身体健康、心理健康以及个人形象这三部分...

  • 美国男子重婚被Facebook暴露

    12-03-20 A corrections officer is facing bigamy charges after authorities said a Washington woman using Facebook discovered that she and a potential friend were married to him at the same time. 美国政府机关称,一位华盛顿女性通过Facebook发现她丈夫和某潜在好友...

  • 《嘉人》杂志推选完美女性形象

    12-03-20 Australia's Marie Claire magazine has come up with their image of the ideal woman, plucking the best features of some of the world's most famous celebrities and composing them into one, strangely recognisable, ensemble. 澳大利亚版《嘉人》杂志最新推...