• 害怕

    22-06-28 1. Im afraid I cant come to your wedding. 我恐怕参加不了你的婚礼了。 2. He is really afraid of the dark. 他真的挺怕黑的。 3. I have a great fear of sharks. 我很怕鲨鱼。 4. Im worried it might rain today. 我怕明天会下雨。 5. I fear I wont finish my a...

  • up in the air 事情不能确定

    22-05-11 (To be) Up in the air 当我们说到某些在空中的事物,我们想到的是某些东西飘在空中或在天上飞,或许是一架飞机或一个气球。但事实上,如果某人告诉你某些东西在空中,那么这表示事情不能确定;确定的计划还没制定。 Jen have you set a date for the wedding yet? 珍...

  • 这些话不要轻易对单身人士说 下

    22-04-28 14. Just dont turn into some crazy cat lady. 千万不要变成一个爱猫狂啊,大姐。 15. She probably just lost your number. 她可能只是把你的号码弄丢了。 16. At a wedding: You better get out there, theyre doing the bouquet toss. 在婚礼上:你最好离开这儿,...

  • 那些有关爱情的习语 中

    22-04-25 9. DOUBLE DATE 四人约会 two couples going out together on a date 两对恋人一起约会 Im so glad you and Toms brother are an item. From now on we can go on double-dates. 你能和汤姆的兄弟在一起真是太好了。现在我们可以一起约会了。 10. ON THE ROCKS 濒于破...

  • 印度新人在元宇宙中举办婚礼派对

    22-01-27 当前由于疫情限制,印度新人不能举行传统的盛大婚礼。于是一对新人找到了不受疫情限制的场所元宇宙,并决定在元宇宙中举办一场霍格沃茨主题的婚礼派对,新娘已过世的父亲也会参加这场虚拟派对并送上祝福。 As Covid-19 forces families across India to downsize or ca...

  • saving face 留面子

    22-01-04 在英语里 to save face 的意思是想要保全面子,避免陷入难堪的局面。 例句 John was just pretending to understand the French conversation in order to save face. The wedding speech was terrible but everyone clapped to save the best mans face. The company...

  • going swimmingly 进展顺利

    21-12-28 如果形容一件事 going swimmingly 那就表示事情进展的非常顺利,没有任何问题。 例句 This journeys going swimmingly. We havent stopped for a single traffic jam. The wedding preparations are going swimmingly. Everything should be ready well before the big...

  • all dolled up 打扮得花枝招展

    21-12-24 如果形容一个人all dolled up 就表示这个人打扮得花枝招展,漂漂亮亮的。 例句 I have to rush home to get all dolled up for the party tonight! Mary opted for a simple white suit for her wedding because she is too shy to walk down the aisle all dolled up....

  • crystal clear 极其明白

    21-12-20 如果形容什么事情为crystal clear, 意思就是非常清楚,极其明白。 例句 Hes given me crystal clear instructions on how to get to the wedding. The boss was crystal clear about what she wanted the team to do whilst she was on holiday. 请注意 另一个短语 cle...

  • to be in a (bit of a) pickle 碰到小麻烦

    21-12-14 泡菜 pickles 有时候真的是特别的酸, 也不是一个人人都能接受的口味。这个词出现在短语 to be in a pickle 中的时候,意思是碰到了麻烦。不过一般用来形容不方便的情况,而不是指真正很严重的问题。 例句 Im in a bit of a pickle. I invited two women to be my plus...