• 伊朗核会谈将在巴格达举行

    12-05-23 A group of six world powers is due to hold fresh talks with Iran about its controversial nuclear programme. 世界六大强国将要就核计划问题与伊朗举行会谈。 Iran is enriching uranium in its heavily fortified underground plant at Fordo, near Qom The talk...

  • 《拆弹部队》五

    11-05-29 精彩对白 James: Hey, let me ask you a question. What happened to the little kid that used to work here? Seller: Sorry, man, English I... no English. James: No-no English, You no speak English now. Little kid, Beckham is his name. He sells... sells D...

  • 史前鸟类利用棍棒状双翼作为武器

    11-01-05 Long before the knights of medieval(中世纪的) Europe wielded flails(连枷) or martial artists(武术家) brandished nunchucks(双截棍) , it appears that a flightless prehistoric bird used its own wings as a similar type of weapon in combat. Paleo...

  • 俄罗斯:警惕伊朗核武器企图

    10-07-13 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says Iran is moving closer to having the potential to create nuclear weapons. 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫称,伊朗距有能力制造核武器更近了一步。 It is one of the first times Moscow has publicly recognised that Iran might be...

  • 生态学家成功训练袋鼬放弃捕食蔗蟾

    10-04-14 Ecologists in Australia have successfully trained a critically endangered marsupial(有袋类动物) the northern quoll(袋鼬) to turn its nose up at toxic cane toads(蔗蟾) . Their results, including fascinating(迷人的,吸引人的) behavioural video...

  • 奥巴马提醒警惕核恐怖活动

    10-04-12 President Barack Obama has said the biggest threat to US security is the possibility of a terrorist organisation obtaining a nuclear weapon. 奥巴马总统称,如果恐怖组织得到核武器,这将是对美国安全的最大威胁。 Speaking on the eve of a nuclear security...

  • 卡尔·罗夫承认布什在伊拉克问题上决策失误

    10-03-07 The failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq damaged President George W Bush's reputation, his former strategist Karl Rove says. 美国前总统布什的首席政治顾问卡尔罗夫称,美军未在伊拉克发现大规模杀伤性武器,这损害了布什的声誉。 Karl Rove ad...

  • 反恐新高招:鼻型识嫌犯

    10-03-06 英国巴斯大学的科学家最新研究发现,在特定扫描技术的帮助下,安全人员可以通过人的鼻型辨识出非法移民、恐怖分子或者犯罪分子,而且因为鼻子不容易隐藏,因此其辨识的可信度比指纹或虹膜的扫描识别度要高。 New technology designed to read the unique shapes of eac...

  • 埃塞俄比亚将救援善款“用于武器购买”

    10-03-03 The BBC has evidence that millions of dollars, earmarked for victims of the Ethiopian famine of 1984-85, went to buy weapons. BBC有证据显示,埃塞俄比亚将指定用于1984、1985两年饥荒的数百万美元专款用在了武器购买上。 Max Peberdy (middle) says the aid m...

  • 俄罗斯一座军械库发生大火灾

    09-11-14 At least two people have been killed after a series of explosions and fires at a weapons depot in central Russia, officials say. 俄罗斯中部一座军械库发生一系列火灾爆炸事故,造成至少两人丧生。 The blasts ripped through(炸坏) the defence ministry na...