• 世界1/10的女孩曾遭性侵

    14-09-05 About 120 million girls around the world - slightly more than one in 10 - have been raped or sexually assaulted by the age of 20, a UN report says. 一份联合国报告显示,世界上大约有1.2亿的女孩略微超过十分之一在20岁前曾被强奸或性侵。 The children's ag...

  • 吸大麻频率越高 家庭暴力越少

    14-08-27 New research findings from a study of 634 couples found that the more often they smoked marijuana(大麻) , the less likely they were to engage in domestic violence. The study, conducted by researchers in the University at Buffalo School of Public H...

  • 委内瑞拉反对派领导洛佩斯受到审判

    14-07-24 The trial of one of Venezuela's main opposition leaders, Leopoldo Lopez, has begun in the capital, Caracas. 委内瑞拉对主要反对派一位领导人莱奥波尔多洛佩斯的审判在首都加拉加斯展开。 Lilian Tintori holds a poster of her her husband, who has been in cu...

  • 打击暴恐活动的相关词汇

    14-05-28 反恐演练 anti-terror drill 反恐安全网 anti-terrorist security network 武装巡逻车 armored patrol vehicles 打击恐怖分子、群体性暴力事件以及持枪犯罪 to crack down on terrorists, mass violence and gun crimes 反恐人民战争 people's war against terrorism...

  • 里约热内卢发生暴力抗议活动

    14-04-23 Violent protests have broken out in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro following the death of a young man allegedly beaten by police. 巴西城市里约热内卢爆发暴力抗议活动,据称因一位年轻人遭警察暴打而引起。 Main streets through the tourist area of C...

  • 1/3欧盟女性遭受过暴力事件

    14-03-05 About a third of all women in the EU have experienced either physical or sexual violence since the age of 15, according to a survey by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. 欧盟基本权利统计局的一项调查显示,欧盟大约1/3的女性从15岁起就遭...

  • 委内瑞拉两名学生示威途中被枪杀

    14-02-13 At least two people have been shot dead during a student demonstration in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas. 委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯一群学生举行示威活动,至少两人被枪杀。 Thousands of people gathered in central Caracas to protest against the government o...

  • 印巴军方首次会面商讨克什米尔问题

    13-12-25 Top Indian and Pakistani military officials have met for the first time in 14 years to discuss ways to ensure peace along Kashmir's de facto border. 印度与巴基斯坦的高层军事官员14年来首次碰面商讨克什米尔边界地区的和平问题。 The disputed Kashmir regi...

  • soft domestic violence 家庭软暴力

    13-12-10 Physical abuse toward family members is known as domestic violence, but there is another kind of abuse which leaves no scars on body and would not be punished by law but still hurts very much. This is called soft domestic violence , also known as em...

  • 印度北方邦发生暴力事件 三人死亡

    13-10-31 Three people have been killed in fresh violence in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, which was hit by religious riots last month. 印度北方邦发生一起暴力事件,三人死亡。该邦上月曾发生过宗教暴乱。 September's riots in Muzaffarnagar were described a...