• 北京正式开放首个自动驾驶出行服务商业化试点

    21-11-29 11月25日,北京市高级别自动驾驶示范区工作办公室公布北京正式开放首个自动驾驶出行服务商业化试点,并发布了配套管理政策。 Tech giant Baidu Inc and self-driving startup Pony.ai are the first pair of enterprises granted permission to offer paid services an...

  • be crowded with people and vehicles 车水马龙

    21-11-10 车水马龙,汉语成语,字面意思是车像流水,马像游龙。形容车马或车辆很多(endless stream of horses and carriages),来往不绝,热闹繁华的景象。可以翻译为be crowded with people and vehicles,heavy traffic (in the street)等。 例句: 院子前车水马龙。 The co...

  • 蝴蝶展翅飞行之谜破解

    21-02-08 研究人员一直无法理解小巧的蝴蝶是如何用它们巨大但低效的翅膀飞行的。现在,一项新的研究表明,蝴蝶进化出了一种有效的合拢和拍打翅膀的方式来产生推力。 The fluttering flight patterns of butterflies have long inspired poets, but baffled scientists. The deli...

  • 日本公司试飞飞行汽车

    20-01-23 A Japanese startup called SkyDrive Inc. has begun conducting test flights of their prototype flying car with a human pilot. 日本一家名为天空驾驶的初创公司已开始对其飞行汽车原型进行试飞,试飞时有一名驾驶员在车内。 The company hopes to be able to make...

  • 重庆投放200辆纯电动出租车

    19-08-02 Chongqing Municipality in southwest China has put 200 pure electric taxis into trial operation in downtown areas in an effort to boost greener development, according to local authorities. 重庆向市中心区域投放200辆纯电动出租车试运营,以促进绿色发展。...

  • 上海一家大型加氢站投入运营

    19-06-06 Shanghai unveiled Wednesday a mega hydrogen station that can charge a car within only three minutes and is able to power hundreds of vehicles per day. 本周三,上海一家大型加氢站投入运营,只需三分钟即可加满一辆车,一天可以为上千辆汽车充能。 The 8,000...

  • 上海一家大型加氢站投入运营

    19-06-06 Shanghai unveiled Wednesday a mega hydrogen station that can charge a car within only three minutes and is able to power hundreds of vehicles per day. 本周三,上海一家大型加氢站投入运营,只需三分钟即可加满一辆车,一天可以为上千辆汽车充能。 The 8,000...

  • 武汉上线氢动力公交车

    19-05-30 Wuhan, capital of central Chinas Hubei Province, opened five bus routes dedicated to hydrogen-powered buses Wednesday. 湖北省会武汉周三开通了5条氢动力公交车线路。 A total of 21 buses will run on these routes, according to the local bus group. The ci...

  • 北京奔驰将召回1925辆汽车

    19-04-15 Beijing Benz Automotive Co. will recall 1,925 Mercedes-Benz vehicles as of May 31, 2019, due to defective airbags. 北京奔驰汽车将于5月31日起召回1925辆奔驰汽车,这些汽车的安全气囊存在缺陷。 The recall involves its C-class sedans and GLC sport utility...

  • 2019起海南公务新车需用清洁能源

    19-03-14 Chinas southernmost island province of Hainan requires all new vehicles for official business to use clean energy from 2019. 海南省政府要求2019年起所有公务用新车都要使用清洁能源。 The provincial government offices administration said Wednesday that...